ultnote 0.0.20

Takes from VS Code Notebook, runs it, and returns output and errors
# Change Log

## v0.0.20
Renamed project from `rustnote` to `ultnote` to allow multiple languages

## v0.0.19
Fixed problems with having a main function, and `allow(dead_code)` in the wrong spot

## v0.0.18
Now formats the output code with `rust fmt`, added some initial information

## v0.0.17
Now puts temp files inside the VS Code workspace, so Rust Analyzer can work with them

## v0.0.16
Now able to use a `main` function

## v0.0.12
External crates now working

## v0.0.11 
All dependencies removed, removed http using raw utf8 over tcp

## v0.0.7
MVP, working with VS Code reordering and returning output