ukhasnet-parser 0.2.2

A parser for the UKHASnet protocol


A parser for the UKHASnet protocol written in Rust using the Nom library.

extern crate ukhasnet_parser;
extern crate nom;

use ukhasnet_parser::{parse, Done, Error, Incomplete};

pub fn main() {
    let s = "2bT12,15H38:test[AG]";
    match parse(&s) {
        Done(_, p) => println!("{:?}", p),
        Error(e) => println!("Error {}", e),
        Incomplete(_) => println!("Incomplete Data")
$ ./target/debug/ukhasnet-parser-simple-demo
Packet { repeat: 2, sequence: 'b', data: [Temperature([12, 15]), Humidity([38]), Comment("test")], path: ["AG"] }