ukebox 0.4.0

A ukulele chord finder in Rust

ukebox travis license rustc

ukebox is a command-line tool that shows you how to play a given chord on a ukulele by printing a chord diagram in ASCII art.


ukebox is intended to be a stand-alone command-line application but for the time being you need Rust (version >= 1.37.0) to build and run the program. The easiest way is to use cargo.

$ cargo install ukebox

Alternatively, get the source code by cloning the repo from Github.

$ git clone

Downloadable binaries for different platforms will be provided in upcoming releases.


    ukebox [OPTIONS] <chord>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -f, --min-fret <min-fret>    Minimal fret (= minimal position) from which to play <chord> [default: 0]
    -t, --tuning <tuning>        Type of tuning to be used [default: C]  [possible values: C, D, G]

    <chord>    Name of the chord to be shown

Currently, ukebox can handle the following types of chords:

  • major chords, e.g. C, D#, Eb
  • minor chords, e.g. Cm, D#m, Ebm
  • suspended second chords, e.g. Csus2, D#sus2, Ebsus2
  • suspended fourth chords, e.g. Csus4, D#sus4, Ebsus4
  • augmented triads, e.g. Caug, D#aug, Ebaug
  • diminished triads, e.g. Cdim, D#dim, Ebdim
  • dominant 7th chords, e.g. C7, D#7, Eb7
  • minor 7th chords, e.g. Cm7, D#m7, Ebm7
  • major 7th chords, e.g. Cmaj7, D#maj7, Ebmaj7
  • minor/major 7th chords, e.g. CmMaj7, D#mMaj7, EbmMaj7
  • augmented 7th chords, e.g. Caug7, D#aug7, Ebaug7
  • augmented major 7th chords, e.g. CaugMaj7, D#augMaj7, EbaugMaj7
  • diminished 7th chords, e.g. Cdim7, D#dim7, Ebdim7
  • half-diminished 7th chords, e.g. Cm7b5, D#m7b5, Ebm7b5

More types of chords will be supported in future versions (see #35).


When running the program with Rust, replace the command ukebox with cargo run --, e.g. cargo run -- G.

$ ukebox G
[G - G major]

A  ||---|-o-|---|---|- B
E  ||---|---|-o-|---|- G
C  ||---|-o-|---|---|- D
G o||---|---|---|---|- G
$ ukebox G --min-fret 3
[G - G major]

A  -|-o-|---|---|---|- D
E  -|---|---|-o-|---|- B
C  -|---|---|-o-|---|- G
G  -|---|---|-o-|---|- D
$ ukebox G --tuning D
[G - G major]

B  o||---|---|---|---|- B
F#  ||-o-|---|---|---|- G
D  o||---|---|---|---|- D
A   ||---|-o-|---|---|- B
$ ukebox G --tuning D --min-fret 3
[G - G major]

B   -|-o-|---|---|---|- D
F#  -|---|---|-o-|---|- B
D   -|---|---|-o-|---|- G
A   -|---|---|-o-|---|- D


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.