uiautomation 0.3.7

UI Automation Framework for Windows

Rust for windows uiautomation

The uiatomation-rs crate is a wrapper for windows uiautomation. This crate can help you make windows uiautoamtion API calls conveniently.


Start by adding the following line to your Cargo.toml file:

uiautomation = "0.3"

Make use of any windows uiautomation calls as needed.


Print All UIElements

use uiautomation::Result;
use uiautomation::UIAutomation;
use uiautomation::UIElement;
use uiautomation::UITreeWalker;

fn main() {
    let automation = UIAutomation::new().unwrap();
    let walker = automation.get_control_view_walker().unwrap();
    let root = automation.get_root_element().unwrap();

    print_element(&walker, &root, 0).unwrap();

fn print_element(walker: &UITreeWalker, element: &UIElement, level: usize) -> Result<()> {
    for _ in 0..level {
        print!(" ")
    println!("{} - {}", element.get_classname()?, element.get_name()?);

    if let Ok(child) = walker.get_first_child(&element) {
        print_element(walker, &child, level + 1)?;

        let mut next = child;
        while let Ok(sibing) = walker.get_next_sibling(&next) {
            print_element(walker, &sibing, level + 1)?;

            next = sibing;

Open Notepad and Input Text

use uiautomation::core::UIAutomation;
use uiautomation::processes::Process;

fn main() {

    let automation = UIAutomation::new().unwrap();
    let root = automation.get_root_element().unwrap();
    let matcher = automation.create_matcher().from(root).timeout(10000).classname("Notepad");
    if let Ok(notepad) = matcher.find_first() {
        println!("Found: {} - {}", notepad.get_name().unwrap(), notepad.get_classname().unwrap());

        notepad.send_keys("Hello,Rust UIAutomation!{enter}", 10).unwrap();

        let window: WindowControl = notepad.try_into().unwrap();

Get Properties As Variant

use uiautomation::UIAutomation;
use uiautomation::variants::Variant;
use windows::Win32::UI::Accessibility::UIA_ControlTypePropertyId;
use windows::Win32::UI::Accessibility::UIA_IsEnabledPropertyId;
use windows::Win32::UI::Accessibility::UIA_NamePropertyId;

fn main() {
    let automation = UIAutomation::new().unwrap();
    let root = automation.get_root_element().unwrap();

    let name: Variant = root.get_property_value(UIA_NamePropertyId).unwrap();
    println!("name = {}", name.get_string().unwrap());

    let ctrl_type: Variant = root.get_property_value(UIA_ControlTypePropertyId).unwrap();
    let ctrl_type_id: i32 = ctrl_type.try_into().unwrap();
    println!("control type = {}", ctrl_type_id);

    let enabled: Variant = root.get_property_value(UIA_IsEnabledPropertyId).unwrap();
    let enabled_str: String = enabled.try_into().unwrap();
    println!("enabled = {}", enabled_str);

Simulate Keyboard Input

use uiautomation::core::UIAutomation;

fn main() {
    let automation = UIAutomation::new().unwrap();
    let root = automation.get_root_element().unwrap();
    root.send_keys("{Win}D", 10).unwrap();