uds 0.2.5

A unix domain socket crate that supports abstract addresses, fd-passing and seqpacket sockets.
name = "uds"
version = "0.2.5"
description = """
A unix domain socket crate that supports abstract addresses, fd-passing and seqpacket sockets.
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/tormol/uds"
license = "Apache-2.0 / MIT"
authors = ["Torbjørn Birch Moltu <t.b.moltu@lyse.net>"]
keywords = ["unix", "socket", "seqpacket", "abstract", "fdpassing"]
categories = ["os::unix-apis", "asynchronous"]
edition = "2018"
exclude = ["tests", "src/bin"]

tokio = ["futures", "mio", "tokio_02"]

libc = "0.2.90" # peer credentials for DragonFly BSD and NetBSD, SO_PEERSEC on all Linux architectures
# enabling this feature implements the extension traits for mio-uds types
mio-uds = {version="0.6", optional=true} # no patch release builds with -Z minimal-versions
# enabling this feature implements Evented for this crate's non-blocking seqpacket types
mio = {version="0.6.14", optional=true} # .14 avoids dragging in libc 0.1 under -Z minimal-versions
# enabling this feature implements the extension traits for mio 0.7's unix socket types
# and Source for this crate's non-blocking seqpacket types.
mio_07 = {package="mio", version="0.7.0", features=["os-util", "uds"], optional=true}
futures = {version = "0.3", optional=true}
# examples and tests for mio_07 also requires mio feature os-poll,
# but adding it as a dev-dependency would also enable it in all cases (cargo bug #4866)
# instead RUSTFLAGS='--cfg feature="os-poll"' must be used to build & run mio_07 tests
tokio_02 = {package="tokio", version = "0.2", features = ["io-driver"], optional=true}

tokio_02 = {package="tokio", version = "0.2", features = ["macros", "rt-core"]}

features = ["mio-uds", "mio", "mio_07", "tokio"]
rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "feature=\"os-poll\""]