ucg 0.1.0

A configuration generation grammar.
# Major Planned Features

## Boolean operations and type

* contains (for lists or strings)

## Query Language (Experimental)

You should be able to ask the compiler to tell you any value or set of values in the
compiled configuration.

## Translation Language (Experimental)

For some configuration file formats we need a way to specify a particular
organiztion for a given configuration structure (i.e. xml attribute or tag?).

Some options here could be:

* Simple data export (json) 
* A Functional Transform similar to xslt or css transforms
* A Templating language
* DSL's
* Annotations

# Minor Fixes and Polish

* Casting between types?
* Better error messages.
* Allow trailing commas.
* Flags should allow different seperators for prefixed flags.
* YAML export
* HCL export
* Integration Testing framework