ublox 0.4.1

A crate to communicate with u-blox GPS devices using the UBX protocol


This project aims to build a pure-rust I/O library for ublox GPS devices, specifically using the UBX protocol.

An example of using this library to talk to a device can be seen in the ublox_cli subfolder of this project.

Constructing Packets

Constructing packets happens using the Builder variant of the packet, for example:

use ublox::{CfgPrtUartBuilder, UartPortId};

let packet: [u8; 28] = CfgPrtUartBuilder {
portid: UartPortId::Uart1,
reserved0: 0,
tx_ready: 0,
mode: 0x8d0,
baud_rate: 9600,
in_proto_mask: 0x07,
out_proto_mask: 0x01,
flags: 0,
reserved5: 0,

See the documentation for the individual Builder structs for information on the fields.

Parsing Packets

Parsing packets happens by instantiating a Parser object and then adding data into it using its consume() method. The parser contains an internal buffer of data, and when consume() is called that data is copied into the internal buffer and an iterator-like object is returned to access the packets. For example:

# #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))] {
use ublox::Parser;

let mut parser = Parser::default();
let my_raw_data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4]; // From your serial port
let mut it = parser.consume(&my_raw_data);
loop {
match it.next() {
Some(Ok(packet)) => {
// We've received a &PacketRef, we can handle it
Some(Err(_)) => {
// Received a malformed packet
None => {
// The internal buffer is now empty
# }

no_std Support

This library additionally supports no_std environments with a deterministic-size parser. To use this parser, simply create a FixedLinearBuffer and use it to construct a Parser object:

let mut buf = vec![0; 256];
let buf = ublox::FixedLinearBuffer::new(&mut buf[..]);
let mut parser = ublox::Parser::new(buf);

The resulting parser can be used like normal. The absolute smallest recommended buffer size is 36 bytes, large enough to contain a NavPosLlh packet.