u8g2-fonts 0.2.0

A text renderer for embedded-graphics, based on u8g2.
//! This crate is a pure Rust reimplementation of the font subsystem of [U8g2](https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2).
//! It is intended for the [embedded-graphics](https://crates.io/crates/embedded-graphics) ecosystem.
//! # Licensing
//! While this crate is MIT / Apache-2.0 licensed, note that the fonts themselves *are not*.
//! For more information about the font licenses, read the [license agreement](https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/blob/master/LICENSE) of U8g2.
//! # Crate features
//! Additional features can be enabled by adding the following features to your Cargo.toml.
//! - `std`:
//!    - derive [`std::error::Error`] for the crate's error types.
//! - `embedded_graphics_textstyle`:
//!    - enable [`U8g2TextStyle`] struct for drawing text with [`embedded_graphics::text::Text`].
//! # Renderers
//! This crate supports two text renderers:
//! - [`FontRenderer`] — our own renderer
//!    - optimized for the U8g2 fonts
//!    - supports rendering [`format_args()`](format_args)
//!        - can render everything that can be passed
//!          to [`format!()`](std::format), [`write!()`](write) or [`println!()`](std::println)
//!        - does not allocate an intermediate string buffer
//!    - supports multi-line vertical alignment
//! - [`U8g2TextStyle`] — a compatibility layer for [`embedded_graphics::text`]
//!    - exposes all fonts of this crate to [`embedded_graphics::text::Text`] rendering functions
//!    - supports [`draw_whitespace`](embedded_graphics::text::renderer::TextRenderer::draw_whitespace) for monospace whitespace drawing with a background color
//! Everything below this will be about [`FontRenderer`]. For more information about text rendering through [`embedded_graphics`], read the
//! [embedded-graphics font rendering documentation](embedded_graphics::text).
//! The intention of [`U8g2TextStyle`] is to replace `MonoTextStyle`.
//! # Usage
//! The central struct in this crate is the [`FontRenderer`]. It can render one specific font.
//! A [`FontRenderer`] can be constructed through [`FontRenderer::new()`](FontRenderer::new). Its generic argument [`Font`] specifies which font it will render.
//! Note that [`FontRenderer::new()`] is `const`, so it can be crated as a global variable at compile time for optimal performance.
//! ## Fonts
//! The fonts are directly imported from [U8g2](https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki).
//! More information about all the available fonts can be found in the [U8g2 wiki](https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki/fntlistall).
//! ## Content Types
//! Once constructed, the [`FontRenderer`] can render [the following objects](Content):
//! - Characters: `'a'`
//! - Strings: `"Hello world!"`
//! - Format Strings: `format_args!("Nice: {}", 69)`
//! ## Positioning and Alignment
//! The [`FontRenderer::render()`](FontRenderer::render) allows for basic vertical positioning. Horizontally, it renders exactly like specified in the font.
//! For more advanced usecases, use the [`FontRenderer::render_aligned()`](FontRenderer::render_aligned) method.
//! It further allows for horizontal alignment through an aditional parameter.
//! ## Bounding Box Calculation
//! Additional to the [`render()`](FontRenderer::render) and [`render_aligned()`](FontRenderer::render_aligned) methods,
//! there is also [`get_rendered_dimensions()`](FontRenderer::get_rendered_dimensions) and
//! [`get_rendered_dimensions_aligned()`](FontRenderer::get_rendered_dimensions_aligned).
//! Those functions behave almost identical to their `render` counterparts, but don't actually perform any rendering. This
//! can be very useful if the dimensions of the text are required for other drawing operations prior to the actual text rendering.
//! ## Colors and Backgrounds
//! While a foreground color must always be specified for rendering a font, there is also the option to set a background color.
//! This is mainly for monospace fonts.
//! Note that many fonts do not actually support rendering with a background color (due to occlusions).
//! Supplying a background color to a font that doesn't support it causes a [runtime error](crate::Error::BackgroundColorNotSupported).
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! # use u8g2_fonts::types::*;
//! # use u8g2_fonts::FontRenderer;
//! # use u8g2_fonts::fonts;
//! # use embedded_graphics_core::prelude::*;
//! # use embedded_graphics_core::pixelcolor::BinaryColor;
//! # pub fn render<Display>(mut display: Display)
//! # where
//! #    Display: DrawTarget<Color = BinaryColor>,
//! #    Display::Error: core::fmt::Debug
//! # {
//! let font = FontRenderer::new::<fonts::u8g2_font_haxrcorp4089_t_cyrillic>();
//! font.render_aligned(
//!     format_args!("Answer: {}", 42),
//!     display.bounding_box().center() + Point::new(0, 16),
//!     VerticalPosition::Baseline,
//!     HorizontalAlignment::Center,
//!     FontColor::Transparent(BinaryColor::On),
//!     &mut display,
//! )
//! .unwrap();
//! # }
//! ```

    issue_tracker_base_url = "https://github.com/Finomnis/u8g2-fonts/issues",
    test(no_crate_inject, attr(deny(warnings))),
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
extern crate std;

mod content;
mod error;
mod font;
mod font_reader;
mod renderer;
mod utils;

/// A collection of [U8g2 fonts](https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki/fntlistall).
/// Note that every font has a different license. For more information, read the [U8g2 License Agreement](https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/blob/master/LICENSE).
pub mod fonts;

/// Data types used in common API functions.
pub mod types;

pub use content::Content;
pub use error::Error;
pub use error::LookupError;
pub use font::Font;
pub use renderer::FontRenderer;

#[cfg(feature = "embedded_graphics_textstyle")]
mod u8g2_text_style;

#[cfg(feature = "embedded_graphics_textstyle")]
pub use u8g2_text_style::U8g2TextStyle;