typescript-definitions-derive-ufo-patch 0.1.11

serde support for exporting Typescript definitions
// Copyright 2019 Ian Castleden
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

//! # Patch
//! we are generating *typescript* from rust tokens so
//! the final result when rendered to a string has a typescript
//! formatting problem. This mod just applies a few patches
//! to make the final result a little more acceptable.

use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use proc_macro2::Literal;
use regex::{Captures, Regex};
use std::borrow::Cow;

// In typescript '===' is a single token whereas
// for rust this would be two tokens '==' and '=',
// and fails to generate correct typescript/javascript.
// So we subsitute the operator with this identifier and then patch
// it back *after* we generate the string.
// The problem is that someone, somewhere might have
// an identifer that is this... We hope and pray.
// This is also the reason we prefer !(x === y) to x !== y ..
// too much patching.

// no field names have anything but ascii at the moment.

const TRIPPLE_EQ: &str = "\"__============__\"";
const NL_PATCH: &str = "\"__nlnlnlnl__\"";
// type N = [(&'static str, &'static str); 10];
const NAMES: [(&str, &str); 13] = [
    ("brack", r"\s*\[\s+\]"),
    ("brace", r"\{\s+\}"),
    ("colon", r"\s+[:]\s"),
    ("enl", r"\n+\}"),
    ("fnl", r"\{\n+"),
    ("te", TRIPPLE_EQ), // for ===
    ("lt", r"\s<\s"),
    ("gt", r"\s>(\s|$)"),
    ("semi", r"\s+;"),
    ("call", r"\s\(\s+\)\s"),
    ("dot", r"\s\.\s"),
    ("nlpatch", NL_PATCH), // for adding newlines to output string
    ("nl", r"\n+"),        // last!
lazy_static! {
    static ref RE: Regex = {
        let v = NAMES
            .map(|(n, re)| format!("(?P<{}>{})", n, re))

trait Has {
    fn has(&self, s: &'static str) -> bool;
    fn key(&self) -> &'static str;

impl Has for Captures<'_> {
    fn has(&self, s: &'static str) -> bool {

    fn key(&self) -> &'static str {
        for n in &NAMES {
            if self.has(n.0) {
                return n.0;
    fn key(&self) -> &'static str {
        for n in RE.capture_names() {
            if let Some(m) = n {
                if self.has(m) {
                    return m;


// TODO: where does the newline come from? why the double spaces?
// maybe use RegexSet::new(&[.....])
pub fn patch(s: &str) -> Cow<'_, str> {
    RE.replace_all(s, |c: &Captures| {
        let key = c.key();
        let m = match key {
            "brace" => "{}",
            "brack" => "[]",
            "colon" => ": ",
            "fnl" => "{ ",
            // "bar" => "\n  | {",
            "enl" => " }",
            "nl" => " ",
            // "result" => "|",
            "te" => "===",
            "lt" => "<",
            "gt" => ">",
            "semi" => ";",
            "dot" => ".",
            "call" => " () ",
            "nlpatch" => "\n",
            _ => return Cow::Owned(c.get(0).unwrap().as_str().to_owned()), // maybe should just panic?

pub fn eq() -> Literal {
    Literal::string(&TRIPPLE_EQ[1..TRIPPLE_EQ.len() - 1])

pub fn nl() -> Literal {
    Literal::string(&NL_PATCH[1..NL_PATCH.len() - 1])

// #[inline]
// pub fn vbar() -> Ident {
//     ident_from_str(RESULT_BAR)
// }