types-primitive 0.2.1

Primitive types shared by Ethereum and Higgsfield
name = "types-primitive"
version = "0.2.1"
authors = ["Susy Technologies <admin@superstring.ch>"]
license = "Apache-2.0/MIT"
homepage = "https://github.com/susytech/susy-common"
description = "Primitive types shared by Ethereum and Higgsfield"

fixed-hash = { version = "0.3", path = "../fixed-hash", default-features = false }
uint = { version = "0.6", path = "../uint", default-features = false }
impl-serde = { version = "0.1", path = "impls/serde", default-features = false, optional = true }
codec-impl = { version = "0.2", path = "impls/codec", default-features = false, optional = true }
impl-rlp = { version = "0.1", path = "impls/rlp", default-features = false, optional = true }

default = ["std"]
std = ["uint/std", "fixed-hash/std", "codec-impl/std"]
heapsize = ["uint/heapsize", "fixed-hash/heapsize"]
byteorder = ["fixed-hash/byteorder"]
libc = ["fixed-hash/libc"]
rustc-hex = ["fixed-hash/rustc-hex"]
serde = ["std", "impl-serde"]
codec = ["codec-impl"]
rlp = ["std", "impl-rlp"]