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Type-level implementation of SF. Prooving that type-system turing-complete. Higtly inspired by this article.


typed-sf supports “no_std” feature with limitations. Runtime representation of List’s and State’s unavaliable (they are using Vec to represent theyself).

Full list of unsupported features:

Also where is “require_docs” feature which forbids undocumented pub items. If You want to contrubute, feel free to turn off this default feature.

How it works

First, where’s some traits what i’m calling type-level enums (Bit, List). Have a look at it:

enum Bit {

impl Bit {
    fn neg(self) -> Bit {
        match self {
            Bit::True => Bit::False,
            Bit::False => Bit::True

assert_eq!(Bit::True, Bit::False.neg());
assert_eq!(Bit::False, Bit::True.neg());
trait Bit {
    type Neg: Bit;
    fn real() -> bool;
struct True;
struct False;

impl Bit for True {
    type Neg = False;
    fn real() -> bool { true }

impl Bit for False {
    type Neg = True;
    fn real() -> bool { false }

assert_eq!(True::real(), <False as Bit>::Neg::real());
assert_eq!(False::real(), <True as Bit>::Neg::real());

Of course, what’s more bolierplate, but also instead of matching in runtime, compiler solves type-equasions in compile-time for us.

To type-encode functions i’m using something like this:

// A and B are arguments to 'function'.
trait Call<A, B> { type Return; }

struct Sum;
struct Diff;

impl<A, B> Call<A, B> for Sum
    A: Add<B>
    type Return = <A as Add<B>>::Output;

impl<A, B> Call<A, B> for Diff
    A: Sub<B>
    type Return = <A as Sub<B>>::Output;

type Apply<A, Fn, B> = <Fn as Call<A, B>>::Return;

What we can use later as:

struct X;
struct Y;
struct XaddY;
struct XsubY;

impl Add<Y> for X {
    type Output = XaddY;
impl Sub<Y> for X {
    type Output = XsubY;

/* Add `::val() -> Self` function to all types... */

    <Apply<X, Sum, Y>>::val(),

    <Apply<X, Diff, Y>>::val(),

That’s basically how Runner<Left, Value, Right> works. But commands such as Left takes an generic argument, so it runs next command on modified state which does same and so on…


Basic usage

type SetTrue<Next = EOF> = Cycle<Flip, Flip<Next>>;
// [*<<[*]*>>>] // Move any-sized chunk of True's 2 cells left
type prog = Cycle<Flip<Left<Left<SetTrue<Right<Right<Right>>>>>>>;
type result = Run<
    State<Nil, True, Cons<True, Nil>>

    <result as StateTrait>::val(),
    (vec![true, true, false, false], false, Vec::new())
); //                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
   // Some waste, honestly don't why it is here...


Node of list, consists of value (Bit) and tail – List.

Cycling ([ <Body> ] <Next> in SF) command. If current Bit is False – executes Next Command, otherwise – executes Body and itself again.

End-of-file command. Returns current state.

Type-level False value, Bit.

Flip current Bit (* <Next> in SF) command. Actually, just uses Bit::Neg type.

Go left (< <Next> in SF) command. If left List is Nil, current bit will be Filler argument value (default – False)

End of List.

Go right (> <Next> in SF) command. If right List is Nil, current bit will be Filler argument value (default – False)

Zipper-list, representing current state of program. Consists of left-hand List, Value – Bit and right-hand List.

Type-level True value, Bit.


Type-level enum of True and False.

Type-level enum of commands. Supertrait of Runner

Type-level linked list, enum-like of Nil and Cons

Represents result of running some Command on State via generic arguments.

Single-type trait for State type, used to get Left, Value and Rigth types.

Type Definitions

Default state, alias for State<Nil, Value, Nil>.

Alias for running Program on StateT

Real value of any State.

Sets current bit to False.

Sets current bit to True.