type-equalities 0.3.1

Observing type equality with zero-sized proofs


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The central type, TypeEq<_, _>, allows for zero-overhead, safe value coercions and is itself zero-sized. Further, naming TypeEq<T, U> is well-formed for any types, but an inhabitant is available only if the equality holds. For trait-level type equality, T: IsEqual<U> can be used.

The zero overhead claim can be seen in the provided benchmarks:

let eq = refl::<u32>().lift_through::<SliceF<BENCH_LEN>>();
b.iter(|| [0; BENCH_LEN]);            // bench_no_coerce
b.iter(|| eq.coerce([0; BENCH_LEN])); // bench_coerce_array_refl

> running 2 tests
test benches::bench_no_coerce         ... bench:      10,570 ns/iter (+/- 569)
test benches::bench_coerce_array_refl ... bench:      10,557 ns/iter (+/- 605)

This crate is no-std and has a (default: enabled) feature for alloc features, i.e. coercing Box.


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