tynm 0.1.6

Returns type names in shorter form.

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Tynm -- Type Name

Returns type names with a specifiable number of module segments as a String.

    std::any::type_name::<Option<String>>(), "core::option::Option<alloc::string::String>"

let tuples = vec![
    (tynm::type_name::<Option<String>>(),    "Option<String>"),
    (tynm::type_namem::<Option<String>>(1),  "core::..::Option<alloc::..::String>"),
    (tynm::type_namen::<Option<String>>(1),  "..::option::Option<..::string::String>"),
    // 1 segment from most and least significant modules.
    (tynm::type_namemn::<rust_out::two::three::Struct>(1, 1), "rust_out::..::three::Struct"),
    // traits
    (tynm::type_name::<dyn core::fmt::Debug>(), "dyn Debug"),

    .for_each(|(left, right)| assert_eq!(left, right));


The std::any::type_name function stabilized in Rust 1.38 returns the fully qualified type name with all module segments. This can be difficult to read in error messages, especially for type-parameterized types.

Often, the simple type name is more readable, and enough to distinguish the type referenced in an error.


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