tx-from-scratch 0.1.0

Library that allows you to create and sign ethereum legacy transactions from scratch

Ethereum Transaction From Scratch In Rust

To use this crate first create Transaction struct

use ethereum_types::H160; 

let tx = Transaction {
    // Nonce of the transaction
    nonce: 225,

    // To Address
    to: Some(

    // Value
    value: 10000000000,

    // Chain ID
    chain_id: 988242,

    // Rest is default

You can also specify data if you want to call or deploy a smart contract:

use ethereum_types::H160; 

let data = vec![0, 0, 0, 0];

let tx = Transaction {
    // Nonce of the transaction
    nonce: 225,

    // To Address
    to: Some(

    // Value
    value: 10000000000,

    // Chain ID
    chain_id: 988242,


    // Rest is default

After creating the struct you can just call the sign method with your private key:

use ethereum_types::H256; 

// Add your private key
// This is a know private key from hardhat test accounts
let private_key =

// Sign the transaction
let tx_bytes = tx.sign(private_key.as_bytes());

If you want to send your signed transaction you will need to crate a json object from the signed bytes:

use web3::types::Bytes;

// Convert Vec<u8> to Bytes so it can be serialized
let tx_bytes = Bytes::from(tx_bytes);

// Convert it to JSON value
let signed_tx = serde_json::to_value(tx_bytes).unwrap();

You can find detailed example in examples


Credit goes to synlestidae creator of ethereum-tx-sign. His crate helped me to understand how are ethereum transactions encoded and signed.

This crate is just simpler implementation of ethereum-tx-sign.


This is untested, unaudited software don't use in production or with real crypto!!!