twox-hash 1.0.1

A Rust implementation of the XXHash algorithm


A Rust implementation of the XXHash algorithm.

Build Status Current Version



With a fixed seed

use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use twox_hash::XxHash;

let mut hash: HashMap<_, _, BuildHasherDefault<XxHash>> = Default::default();
hash.insert(42, "the answer");
assert_eq!(hash.get(&42), Some(&"the answer"));

With a random seed

use std::collections::HashMap;
use twox_hash::RandomXxHashBuilder;

let mut hash: HashMap<_, _, RandomXxHashBuilder> = Default::default();
hash.insert(42, "the answer");
assert_eq!(hash.get(&42), Some(&"the answer"));


Bytes SipHasher (MB/s) XXHash (MB/s) Ratio
1 62 37 60%
4 190 153 81%
16 695 640 92%
32 1000 1391 139%
128 1376 3555 258%
256 1422 4740 333%
512 1492 5752 386%
1024 1558 5919 380%
1048576 1581 7243 458%
Bytes FnvHasher (MB/s) XXHash (MB/s) Ratio
1 1000 37 4%
4 800 153 19%
16 761 640 84%
32 727 1391 191%
128 735 3555 484%
256 715 4740 663%
512 760 5752 757%
1024 763 5919 776%
1048576 696 7243 1041%


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