twofloat 0.1.0

Double-double arithmetic functionality.


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A double-double arithmetic library for Rust.

This library provides an implementation of double-double arithmetic for the Rust language. Note that this is not the same as the IEEE quadruple-precision floating-point format. Instead, higher precision is obtained by representing the value as the sum of two non-overlapping f64 values.

Currently the provided API is very basic, I hope to be able to provide more mathematical functions (square root, logarithms, exponentiation and trigonometry) in future releases.


  • Mioara Joldes, Jean-Michel Muller, Valentina Popescu. Tight and rigourous error bounds for basic building blocks of double-word arithmetic. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Association for Computing Machinery, 2017, 44 (2), pp.1 - 27. 10.1145/3121432. hal-01351529v3