twitchchat 0.11.6

interface to the irc-side of twitch's chat system

name          = "twitchchat"

edition       = "2018"

version       = "0.11.6"

authors       = ["museun <>"]

keywords      = ["twitch", "irc", "async", "asynchronous", "tokio"]

license       = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"

readme        = ""

description   = "interface to the irc-side of twitch's chat system"

documentation = ""

repository    = ""

categories    = ["asynchronous", "network-programming", "parser-implementations"]


features = [ "default", "serde", "crossbeam-channel" ]

rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]


default = ["async", "tokio_native_tls"]

async   = ["tokio", "futures", "parking_lot"]

tokio_native_tls = ["tokio", "futures", "tokio-native-tls", "native-tls", "parking_lot"]

tokio_rustls     = ["tokio", "futures", "tokio-rustls", "webpki-roots", "parking_lot"]


log = "0.4.8"

futures = { version = "0.3.5", optional = true, default-features = false }

tokio   = { version = "0.2.21", optional = true, features = ["dns", "io-util", "stream", "sync", "tcp", "time", "macros"] }

serde   = { version = "1.0.114", optional = true, features = ["derive"] }

# native tls

tokio-native-tls  = { version = "0.1.0", optional = true }

native-tls        = { version = "0.2.4", optional = true }

# rustls

tokio-rustls = { version = "0.13.1", optional = true }

webpki-roots = { version = "0.20.0", optional = true }

# optionally used in the synchronous code

crossbeam-channel = { version = "0.4.2", optional = true }

# internal stuff

parking_lot = { version = "0.11.0", optional = true }


tokio       = { version = "0.2.21", features = ["test-util", "macros"] }

tokio-test  = "0.2.1"

doc-comment = "0.3.3"


name = "demo"

required-features = ["async", "tokio_native_tls"]


name = "wait_to_join"

required-features = ["async", "tokio_native_tls"]


name = "simple_bot"

required-features = ["async", "tokio_native_tls"]


name = "retry"

required-features = ["async", "tokio_native_tls"]


name = "parse"