twitch_api 0.7.0-rc.2

Library for talking with the new Twitch API aka. "Helix", TMI and more!
# Change Log

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## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate


### Breaking changes

- Requests for helix endpoints have been converted to take `Cow`s.
  This change means the `builder()` methods are harder to use, consider using the new methods on
  each request which provide the same functionality but with better ergonomics.
  See the top-level documentation for a endpoint for more examples.
- Crate name changed: `twitch_api2` -> `twitch_api`, also changed to new org `twitch-rs`
- All (most) types are now living in their own crate `twitch_types`
- Features for clients are now named after the client, e.g feature `reqwest_client` is now simply `reqwest`
- MSRV: 1.64.0
- Fixed wrong type on `UserAuthorizationGrantV1::client_id`
- Deprecate `bits_voting_enabled`, `bits_per_vote` and `bits_votes` on `Create Poll` and `Poll` and made the fields optional
- `Get Clips` takes and returns `ClipId` instead of a string
- Made `GetCustomRewardRedemptionRequest::reward_id` optional
- `typed-builder` is now optional and not enabled by default, enable feature `typed-builder` to use the `::builder()` methods
- Client ext methods that take a `IntoIterator<Item = T>` now takes a `IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<T>>`

### Changes

- Deprecate `Get User` `view_count`
- Deprecate `Check AutoMod status` `user_id`
- Removed deprecated `limit` on `GetEventSubSubscriptionsRequest` response
- Removed deprecated `limit` on `CreateEventSubSubscription`
- Removed deprecated `AddBlockedTerm`, `DeleteBlockedTerm`, `DeletePermittedTerm` and `AddPermittedTerm` on `ModerationActionCommand`

### Added

- Added `Get Chatters` endpoint
- Added `Ban User` and `Unban User`
- Added `Get Chat Settings` endpoint
- Added `type` and `user_id` query params to `GetEventSubSubscriptionsRequest`
- Added `vod_offset` to `Clip`s
- Added `Start A Raid` and `Cancel A Raid` endpoints
- Added `Send Chat Announcement` endpoint
- Added `Delete Chat Messages` endpoint
- Added `Get User Chat Color` and `Update User Chat Colors` endpoint
- Added `Add Channel Moderator` and `Remove Channel Moderator` endpoint
- Added `Get VIPs`, `Add Channel VIP` and `Remove Channel VIP` endpoint
- Added `Send Whisper` endpoint
- Added `Delete Channel Stream Schedule Segment` that was accidentally not included in `0.6.0`

## [v0.6.1] - 2022-04-29

- No changes, only a fix for output and some version bumps in Cargo.toml


## [v0.6.0] - 2022-04-28


### Added

- Added Helix endpoints:
  - `Manage Held AutoMod Messages`
  - `Get Global Chat Badges`
  - `Get Channel Chat Badges`
  - `Get Channel Emotes`
  - `Get Global Emotes`
  - `Get Emote Sets`
  - `Get Channel Stream Schedule`
  - `Update Channel Stream Schedule`
  - `Create Channel Stream Schedule Segment`
  - `Delete Channel Stream Schedule Segment`
  - `Get Creator Goals`
  - `Add Blocked Term`
  - `Get Blocked Terms`
  - `Remove Blocked Term`
  - `Unban User`
  - `Ban User`
  - `Update Chat Settings`
- Added Channel Terms to pubsub `chat_moderator_actions`
- Added `user-moderation-notifications` topic to pubsub
- Added `extendsub` to pubsub `channel-subscribe-events-v1`
- Added `delay` to `Get Channel Information`
- Added `serde::Serialize` to all helix endpoint return values
- Added `channel.subscription.end` to EventSub
- Added `` to EventSub
- Added `channel.subscription.message` to EventSub
- Added `user.authorization.grant` to EventSub
- Added `channel.goal.begin`, `channel.goal.progress` and `channel.goal.end` to EventSub
- Added `helix::make_stream` to make streams out of paginated responses.
- Added fields `moderator_id`,`moderator_login`,`moderator_name` and `reason` to `BannedUser`
- Added `pubsub::unlisten_command`
- Added `moderator_removed` as a moderation action to PubSub.
- Added `EmoteUrlBuilder` to make an url with `EmoteId::url()` and `ChannelEmote::url()`
- Added methods to `Timestamp` for constructing and handling them. Uses the `time` crate behind the `time` feature.
- `twitch_oauth2` has been upgraded, and following this upgrade, `HelixClient`, `TmiClient` and `TwitchClient` can be used as clients for token requests.
- Added field `game_name` to `Streams`
- Added function `get_follow_relationships`, `get_broadcaster_subscribers`, `get_global_emotes`, `get_channel_emotes_from_id`, `get_channel_emotes_from_login` and `get_emote_sets` to `HelixClient`
- Added fields `format`, `scale`, `theme_mode` and `template` to `ChannelEmote`, `GetEmoteSets` and `GlobalEmote`
- Added functions `HelixClient::req_<method>_custom` to return a specific struct/enum defined by the user. This also enables references in responses for these functions.
- Added `HypeTrainId` to relevant eventsub and helix endpoints.

### Changed

- MSRV: 1.60.0
- Made all specific "string" types actual types with [`aliri_braid`]
- Deprecated specific term actions in `ChatModeratorActionsReply`, replacing them with `ChannelTermsAction`
- Deprecated `Vip` action in `ChatModeratorActionsReply`, replacing it with `VipAdded`
- Removed some derived impls and fixed builders that assumed a default wrongly.
- `HelixClient::new`, `TmiClient::new` and `TwitchClient::new` now give a more specified client.
- Added total and gifter information to helix `Get Broadcaster Subscriptions`
- `HelixClient` methods `search_categories`, `search_channels`, `get_followed_streams` and `get_moderators_in_channel_from_id` now use streams to provide paginated response.
- Renamed `BroadcasterType::Affiliated` -> `BroadcasterType::Affiliate`
- Client extension methods that are paginated are now paginated lazily using a stream.
- `pubsub::listen_command` now accepts `Into<Option<&str>>` as the `auth_token`.
- `pubsub::Topics` and all topics now implement `Clone` and `Hash`.
- `TWITCH_HELIX_URL`, `TWITCH_TMI_URL` and `TWITCH_PUBSUB_URL` are now `url::Url`s and can be overridden with environment variables. See the docs for more information.
- Added field total to `helix::Response`
- Changed return type of `GetBroadcasterSubscriptions` to be a vector of `BroadcasterSubscription`
- Made `Payload::verify` and `Payload::parse_http` generic on the body type for `AsRef<[u8]>`
- Made `Payload` in EventSub enumerate over the different message types, `verification`, `revocation` and `notification`. Adds a new `Notification` type which holds the different notification payloads. `Payload` is now `Event` and old `NotificationPayload` is now called `Payload`, this is because a payload can be a revocation, notification or verification.

### Removed

- Removed enum variants for a lot of error states in helix endpoint responses. Most of these are returned by `HelixRequest_Error::Error`
- Removed deprecated follow endpoints `Create Users Follows` and `Delete Users Follows`
- Removed helix `webhook`s and `HelixRequestGetError::InvalidUri`
- Removed TMI `get_hosts`
- Removed Helix `Get Banned Events` and `Get Moderator Events`

## [v0.5.0] - 2021-05-08


### Added

- Made crate runtime agnostic with custom clients using feature `client`.
- Added `unsupported` feature to enable experimental/undocumented APIs/endpoints/topics.
- Made most fields deny unknown fields by enabling feature `deny_unknown_fields`.
- Added `all` feature to enable all feature sans `unsupported` and `deny_unknown_fields`.
- Added most PubSub topics.
  - channel-bits-badge-unlocks
  - channel-bits-events-v2
  - channel-cheer-events-public-v1
  - channel-points-channel-v1
  - channel-sub-gifts-v1
  - channel-subscribe-events-v1
  - chat_moderator_actions
  - community-points-channel-v1
  - following
  - hype-train-events-v1
  - hype-train-events-v1.rewards
  - raid
  - video-playback
  - video-playback-by-id
- Added most EventSub Event Subscriptions.
  - Channel Ban V1 Event
  - Channel Cheer V1 Event
  - Channel Follow V1 Event
  - Channel Hype Train Begin V1 Event
  - Channel Hype Train End V1 Event
  - Channel Hype Train Progress V1 Event
  - Channel Points Custom Reward Add V1 Event
  - Channel Points Custom Reward Redemption Add V1 Event
  - Channel Points Custom Reward Redemption Update V1 Event
  - Channel Points Custom Reward Remove V1 Event
  - Channel Points Custom Reward Update V1 Event
  - Channel Raid V1 Event
  - Channel Subscribe V1 Event
  - Channel Unban V1 Event
  - Channel Update V1 Event
  - StreamOffline V1 Event
  - StreamOnline V1 Event
  - User Authorization Revoke V1 Event
  - User Update V1 Event
- Added most Webhook topics.
  - Channel Ban Change Events
  - Get Channel Editors
  - Hype Train Event
  - Moderator Change Events
  - Stream Changed
  - Subscription Events
  - User Changed
  - User Follows
- Added tmi endpoint `get_hosts` thanks to [waridley]
- Added Helix endpoints
  - Block User
  - Check User Subscription
  - Create Custom Rewards
  - Create User Follows
  - Delete Custom Reward
  - Delete User Follows
  - Delete Videos
  - Get All Stream Tags
  - Get Bits Leaderboard
  - Get Broadcaster Subscriptions Events
  - Get Channel Editors
  - Get Cheermote
  - Get Custom Reward
  - Get Custom Reward Redemption (thanks [Dinnerbone]
  - Get Games
  - Get Hype Train Events
  - Get Stream Tags
  - Get User Block List
  - Get User Follows
  - Get Videos
  - Get Webhook Subscriptions
  - Search Categories
  - Search Channels
  - Unblock User
  - Update Custom Reward (thanks [FoxLisk]
  - Update Redemption Status (thanks [Dinnerbone]
  - Replace Stream Tags (thanks [ModProg]

### Changed

- MSRV: 1.51.0
- BREAKING: Removed `helix` and `tmi` features from default-features.
- BREAKING: Renamed `TMIClient` -> `TmiClient`
- Improved documentation
- Renamed some helix endpoint replies. [#18]
- `twitch_oauth2` dependency is now gated behind its feature flag.

## [End of Changelog]

Changelog starts on v0.5.0