twist-lz4 0.1.2

An lz4 compression extension for twist
//! lz4 utilities
use std::io;

/// Generate an `io::ErrorKind::Other` error with the given description.
pub fn other(desc: &str) -> io::Error {
    io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, desc)

/// Generate a formatted hex string from a vector of bytes.
pub fn as_hex(buf: &[u8]) -> String {
    let mut hexy = String::new();

    for (idx, byte) in buf.iter().enumerate() {
        if idx % 16 == 0 {
            hexy.push_str(&format!("{:08x}:", idx))

        hexy.push_str(&format!(" 0x{:02x}", byte));

        if idx % 16 == 15 {
