twilight-http 0.15.0-rc.1

Discord REST API client for the Twilight ecosystem.
use crate::{
    request::{Request, TryIntoRequest},
    response::{marker::EmptyBody, Response, ResponseFuture},
use std::future::IntoFuture;
use twilight_model::id::{marker::ChannelMarker, Id};

/// Fire a Typing Start event in the channel.
#[must_use = "requests must be configured and executed"]
pub struct CreateTypingTrigger<'a> {
    channel_id: Id<ChannelMarker>,
    http: &'a Client,

impl<'a> CreateTypingTrigger<'a> {
    pub(crate) const fn new(http: &'a Client, channel_id: Id<ChannelMarker>) -> Self {
        Self { channel_id, http }

    /// Execute the request, returning a future resolving to a [`Response`].
    #[deprecated(since = "0.14.0", note = "use `.await` or `into_future` instead")]
    pub fn exec(self) -> ResponseFuture<EmptyBody> {

impl IntoFuture for CreateTypingTrigger<'_> {
    type Output = Result<Response<EmptyBody>, Error>;

    type IntoFuture = ResponseFuture<EmptyBody>;

    fn into_future(self) -> Self::IntoFuture {
        let http = self.http;

        match self.try_into_request() {
            Ok(request) => http.request(request),
            Err(source) => ResponseFuture::error(source),

impl TryIntoRequest for CreateTypingTrigger<'_> {
    fn try_into_request(self) -> Result<Request, Error> {
        Ok(Request::from_route(&Route::CreateTypingTrigger {
            channel_id: self.channel_id.get(),