twilight-gateway 0.15.0-rc.2

Discord Gateway implementation for the Twilight ecosystem.
//! Sealed Command trait to denote what can be provided to [`Shard::command`].
//! [`Shard::command`]: crate::Shard::command

use crate::{
    error::{SendError, SendErrorType},
use twilight_model::gateway::payload::outgoing::{
    identify::Identify, resume::Resume, Heartbeat, RequestGuildMembers, UpdatePresence,

mod private {
    //! Private module to provide a sealed trait depended on by [`Command`],
    //! disallowing consumers from implementing it.
    //! [`Command`]: super::Command

    use serde::Serialize;
    use twilight_model::gateway::payload::outgoing::{
        identify::Identify, resume::Resume, Heartbeat, RequestGuildMembers, UpdatePresence,

    /// Sealed trait to prevent users from implementing the Command trait.
    pub trait Sealed: Serialize {}

    impl Sealed for Heartbeat {}
    impl Sealed for Identify {}
    impl Sealed for RequestGuildMembers {}
    impl Sealed for Resume {}
    impl Sealed for UpdatePresence {}
    impl Sealed for UpdateVoiceState {}

/// Trait marker to denote what can be provided to [`Shard::command`].
/// This trait exists to make it easier to determine what commands can be sent
/// to the Discord Gateway API.
/// To send an arbitrary command to the Discord Gateway API then [`Shard::send`]
/// may be used.
/// [`Shard::command`]: crate::Shard::command
/// [`Shard::send`]: crate::Shard::send
pub trait Command: private::Sealed {}

impl Command for Heartbeat {}
impl Command for Identify {}
impl Command for RequestGuildMembers {}
impl Command for Resume {}
impl Command for UpdatePresence {}
impl Command for UpdateVoiceState {}

/// Prepare a command for sending by serializing it and creating a message.
/// # Errors
/// Returns a [`SendErrorType::Serializing`] error type if the provided value
/// failed to serialize into JSON.
pub fn prepare(command: &impl Command) -> Result<Message, SendError> {
        .map_err(|source| SendError {
            source: Some(Box::new(source)),
            kind: SendErrorType::Serializing,

mod tests {
    use super::Command;
    use crate::{json, message::Message};
    use static_assertions::assert_impl_all;
    use std::error::Error;
    use twilight_model::gateway::payload::outgoing::{
        identify::Identify, resume::Resume, Heartbeat, RequestGuildMembers, UpdatePresence,

    assert_impl_all!(Heartbeat: Command);
    assert_impl_all!(Identify: Command);
    assert_impl_all!(RequestGuildMembers: Command);
    assert_impl_all!(Resume: Command);
    assert_impl_all!(UpdatePresence: Command);
    assert_impl_all!(UpdateVoiceState: Command);

    fn prepare() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
        let heartbeat = Heartbeat::new(Some(30_000));
        let string = json::to_string(&heartbeat)?;
        let message = super::prepare(&heartbeat)?;

        assert_eq!(message, Message::Text(string));
