twilight-gateway-queue 0.15.0-rc.1

Discord Gateway connection queue implementation for the Twilight ecosystem.
use super::{day_limiter::DayLimiter, Queue};
use std::{fmt::Debug, future::Future, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use tokio::{
        mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender},
        oneshot::{self, Sender},
use twilight_http::Client;

/// Queue built for single-process groups of shards that require identifying via
/// [Sharding for Large Bots].
/// Usage with other processes will cause inconsistencies between each process's
/// ratelimit buckets. If using multiple processes for shard groups, then refer
/// to the [module-level] documentation.
/// [Sharding for Large Bots]:
/// [module-level]: crate
pub struct LargeBotQueue {
    buckets: Vec<UnboundedSender<Sender<()>>>,
    limiter: DayLimiter,

impl LargeBotQueue {
    /// Create a new large bot queue.
    /// You must provide the number of buckets Discord requires your bot to
    /// connect with.
    /// The number of buckets is provided via Discord as `max_concurrency`
    /// which can be fetched with [`Client::gateway`].
    pub async fn new(buckets: usize, http: Arc<Client>) -> Self {
        let mut queues = Vec::with_capacity(buckets);
        for _ in 0..buckets {
            let (tx, rx) = unbounded_channel();



        let limiter = DayLimiter::new(http).await.expect(
            "Getting the first session limits failed, \
             Is network connection available?",

        // The level_enabled macro does not turn off with the dynamic
        // tracing levels. It is made for the static_max_level_xxx features
        // And will return false if you do not use those features of if
        // You use the feature but then dynamically set a lower feature.
        if tracing::level_enabled!(tracing::Level::INFO) {
            let lock = limiter.0.lock().await;

                "{}/{} identifies used before next reset in {:.2?}",

        Self {
            buckets: queues,

async fn waiter(mut rx: UnboundedReceiver<Sender<()>>) {
    const DUR: Duration = Duration::from_secs(6);
    while let Some(req) = rx.recv().await {
        if let Err(source) = req.send(()) {
            tracing::warn!("skipping, send failed with: {source:?}");

impl Queue for LargeBotQueue {
    /// Request to be able to identify with the gateway. This will place this
    /// request behind all other requests, and the returned future will resolve
    /// once the request has been completed.
    fn request(&'_ self, shard_id: [u64; 2]) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + '_>> {
        let bucket = (shard_id[0] % (self.buckets.len() as u64)) as usize;
        let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();

        Box::pin(async move {
            if let Err(source) = self.buckets[bucket].send(tx) {
                tracing::warn!("skipping, send failed with: {source:?}");

            tracing::info!("waiting for allowance on shard {}", shard_id[0]);

            let _ = rx.await;

mod tests {
    use super::{LargeBotQueue, Queue};
    use static_assertions::assert_impl_all;
    use std::fmt::Debug;

    assert_impl_all!(LargeBotQueue: Debug, Queue, Send, Sync);