twilight-command-parser 0.2.0

Message command parser for the Twilight ecosystem.


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twilight-command-parser is a command parser for the twilight-rs ecosystem.

Included is a mutable configuration that allows you to specify the command names and prefixes. The parser parses out commands matching an available command and prefix and provides the command arguments to you.


A simple parser for a bot with one prefix ("!") and two commands: "echo" and "ping":

use twilight_command_parser::{Command, CommandParserConfig, Parser};

let mut config = CommandParserConfig::new();

config.add_command("echo", false);
config.add_command("ping", false);

// Add the prefix `"!"`.
// (Use `CommandParserConfig::add_prefixes` to add multiple prefixes)

let parser = Parser::new(config);

// Now pass a command to the parser
match parser.parse("!echo a message") {
Some(Command { name: "echo", arguments, .. }) => {
let content = arguments.as_str();

println!("Got an echo request to send `{}`", content);
Some(Command { name: "ping", .. }) => {
println!("Got a ping request");
// Ignore all other commands.
Some(_) => {},
None => println!("Message didn't match a prefix and command"),