twentyone 0.2.0

A blackjack engine for Rust.

A blackjack engine for Rust.

Quick Start

Here is an example to get the library working. It automatically makes the player hit when their hand value is <17, and stand when it's >= 17.

use twentyone::game::get_hand_value;
use twentyone::prelude::*;

// Callback that will be used to return player's actions such as betting or hitting
fn callback(request: DealerRequest, player: Option<&Player>, dealer: &Dealer) -> PlayerAction {
match request {
// Dealer asking player to play, along with a hand index
DealerRequest::Play(i) => {
// Get the value of the player's hand
let value = get_hand_value(&player.unwrap().hands()[i], true);
println!("Player's hand value is {}", value);
// Hit if the hand value is <17, stand if it isn't
if value < 17 {
println!("Player is hitting");
} else {
println!("Player is standing");
// Dealer requesting a bet
DealerRequest::Bet => {
// Bet $10
println!("Player is betting $10");
// Dealer showing their hand when the game is over
DealerRequest::DealerHand(hand) => {
// Get the value of the player's and the dealer's hand
let dealer_hand_value = get_hand_value(&hand, true);
let player_hand_value = get_hand_value(&dealer.players()[0].hands()[0], true);
// Print both
println!("Player hand value is {}", player_hand_value);
println!("Dealer hand value is {}", dealer_hand_value);
// Print whether the player won, lost, or had a push
if (player_hand_value > dealer_hand_value && player_hand_value <= 21)
|| (player_hand_value <= 21 && dealer_hand_value > 21)
println!("Player Won!");
} else if player_hand_value == dealer_hand_value && player_hand_value <= 21 {
} else {
println!("Player Lost.");
// Dealer returning an error with the last action
// Panic for error-checking reasons
DealerRequest::Error(_) => panic!("An error occurred"),
// Other events that don't require specific handling
_ => PlayerAction::None,

fn main() {
// Create a six-deck shoe and shuffle it
let mut shoe = create_shoe(6);
shuffle_deck(&mut shoe);

// Create a dealer
let mut dealer = Dealer::new(shoe, DEFAULT_CONFIG, &callback);
// Create a player with $1000
let player = Player::new(1000);
// Add the player to the dealer

// Auto-play five rounds
for _ in 0..5 {

More examples are available in the examples folder of the repository.