twelf 0.9.0

Twelf is a configuration solution for Rust including 12-Factor support. It is designed with layers in order to configure different sources and formats to build your configuration. The main goal is to be very simple using a proc macro.
    authors     = ["Benjamin Coenen <>"]
    categories  = ["config"]
    description = "Twelf is a configuration solution for Rust including 12-Factor support. It is designed with layers in order to configure different sources and formats to build your configuration. The main goal is to be very simple using a proc macro."
    edition     = "2021"
    homepage    = ""
    keywords    = ["config", "configuration", "env", "environment", "settings"]
    license     = "MIT"
    name        = "twelf"
    readme      = "../"
    repository  = ""
    version     = "0.9.0"

    clap_rs       = { version = "4", package = "clap", optional = true, features = ["derive"] }
    config-derive = { path = "../config-derive", version = "0.9" }
    envy          = { version = "0.4.1", git = "", branch = "master", optional = true }
    log           = "0.4.14"
    serde         = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
    serde_dhall   = { version = "0.11", optional = true }
    serde_ini     = { version = "0.2.0", optional = true }
    serde_json    = "1"
    serde_yaml    = { version = "0.8.23", optional = true }
    thiserror     = "1"
    toml_rs       = { version = "0.5.8", package = "toml", optional = true }

    clap    = ["clap_rs", "config-derive/clap", "envy"]
    default = ["env", "clap"]
    dhall   = ["serde_dhall", "config-derive/dhall"]
    env     = ["envy", "config-derive/env"]
    ini     = ["serde_ini", "config-derive/ini"]
    json    = ["config-derive/json"]
    toml    = ["toml_rs", "config-derive/toml"]
    yaml    = ["serde_yaml", "config-derive/yaml"]