tweetr 0.2.1

tweetr is a platform that allows you to create and queue tweets to be shared when YOU want. You create content when you have time and then use FOSS and NOT pay whatever-ridiculous amount of $$$ for posting them automatically.
			"working_dir": "$project_path",
			"shell_cmd": "cargo build --color always && cargo test --color always",
			"name": "Build tweetr",

			"target": "ansi_color_build",
			"syntax": "Packages/ANSIescape/ANSI.tmLanguage"
			"working_dir": "$project_path",
			"shell_cmd": "cargo doc --color always",
			"name": "Document tweetr",

			"target": "ansi_color_build",
			"syntax": "Packages/ANSIescape/ANSI.tmLanguage"
			"follow_symlinks": true,
			"name": "Source",
			"path": "src"
			"follow_symlinks": true,
			"name": "Tests",
			"path": "tests"
			"follow_symlinks": true,
			"name": "Manpages",
			"path": "man"
			"follow_symlinks": true,
			"name": "Build scripts",
			"path": ".",
			"file_include_patterns": ["Cargo.*", "*.yml"],
			"folder_exclude_patterns": ["*"]
		"tab_size": 4,
		"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true