tweetr 0.2.1

tweetr is a platform that allows you to create and queue tweets to be shared when YOU want. You create content when you have time and then use FOSS and NOT pay whatever-ridiculous amount of $$$ for posting them automatically.
//! This module contains the functions used only by the `start-daemon` subsystem.
//! The flow of the `start-daemon` subsystem is as follows:
//! Initialisation:
//! ```plaintext
//! Options::parse()
//! |> ops::start_daemon::verify()
//! |> ops::AppTokens::read()
//! ```
//! Then, in a loop:
//! ```plaintext
//! init_data
//! |> ops::User::read()
//! |> ops::QueuedTweet::read()
//! |> ops::start_daemon::tweet_indices_to_post()
//! |> ops::start_daemon::find_user_index_for_tweet()
//! |> ops::start_daemon::post_tweet()
//! ```

use self::super::super::util::{TWEET_DATETIME_FORMAT, span_r};
use self::super::{QueuedTweet, User, verify_file};
use self::super::super::Outcome;
use egg_mode::tweet::DraftTweet;
use chrono::{DateTime, Local};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use egg_mode::Token;
use std::io::Write;

/// Verify if, given the current configuration, it's permitted to continue with the subsequent steps of the `start-daemon`
/// subsystem.
/// The return value contains either the path to the file containing the global app configuration, the path to the file
/// containing the global users data and the path to the file containing the global queued tweets data or why getting them
/// failed.
/// # Examples
/// Verifying with everything existing.
/// ```
/// # use std::fs::{self, File};
/// # use tweetr::ops::start_daemon;
/// # use std::env::temp_dir;
/// # use tweetr::Outcome;
/// # use std::io::Write;
/// let tf = temp_dir().join("tweetr-doctest").join("ops-start-daemon-verify-0");
/// fs::create_dir_all(&tf).unwrap();
/// File::create(tf.join("app.toml")).unwrap().write(&[]).unwrap();
/// File::create(tf.join("users.toml")).unwrap().write(&[]).unwrap();
/// File::create(tf.join("tweets.toml")).unwrap().write(&[]).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(start_daemon::verify(&("$TEMP/ops-start-daemon-verify-0".to_string(), tf.clone())),
///            Ok((tf.join("app.toml"), tf.join("users.toml"), tf.join("tweets.toml"))));
/// ```
/// Verifying with users data nonexistant.
/// ```
/// # use std::fs::{self, File};
/// # use tweetr::ops::start_daemon;
/// # use std::env::temp_dir;
/// # use tweetr::Outcome;
/// # use std::io::Write;
/// let tf = temp_dir().join("tweetr-doctest").join("ops-start-daemon-verify-1");
/// fs::create_dir_all(&tf).unwrap();
/// File::create(tf.join("app.toml")).unwrap().write(&[]).unwrap();
/// File::create(tf.join("tweets.toml")).unwrap().write(&[]).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(start_daemon::verify(&("$TEMP/ops-start-daemon-verify-1".to_string(), tf)),
///            Err(Outcome::RequiredFileFromSubsystemNonexistant {
///                subsys: "add-user",
///                fname: "$TEMP/ops-start-daemon-verify-1/users.toml".to_string(),
///            }));
/// ```
pub fn verify(config_dir: &(String, PathBuf)) -> Result<(PathBuf, PathBuf, PathBuf), Outcome> {
    let app = try!(verify_file("app.toml", true, config_dir, false, "init"));
    let users = try!(verify_file("users.toml", true, config_dir, false, "add-user"));
    let tweets = try!(verify_file("tweets.toml", true, config_dir, false, "queue-tweet"));

    Ok((app, users, tweets))

/// Get the indices of tweets to post now from the provided batch based on whether thy've been posted already and the current
/// time.
/// All returned indices are guaranteed to be valid.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # extern crate tweetr;
/// # extern crate chrono;
/// # use tweetr::ops::{QueuedTweet, start_daemon};
/// # use chrono::{Duration, Local};
/// # fn main() {
/// let now = Local::now();
/// let now = now.with_timezone(now.offset());
/// assert_eq!(start_daemon::tweet_indices_to_post(&vec![
///     QueuedTweet {
///         author: "nabijaczleweli".to_string(),
///         time: now + Duration::hours(1),
///         content: "This tweet is not going to be posted (it's too early)".to_string(),
///         time_posted: None,
///         id: None,
///     },
///     QueuedTweet {
///         author: "nabijaczleweli".to_string(),
///         time: now - Duration::hours(1),
///         content: "This tweet is going to be posted".to_string(),
///         time_posted: None,
///         id: None,
///     },
///     QueuedTweet {
///         author: "nabijaczleweli".to_string(),
///         time: now - Duration::hours(1),
///         content: "This tweet is not going to be posted (it already was)".to_string(),
///         time_posted: Some(now - Duration::minutes(30)),
///         id: Some(6908265),
///     },
/// ]), vec![1]);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn tweet_indices_to_post(tweets: &Vec<QueuedTweet>) -> Vec<usize> {
    let now = Local::now();
    let now = now.with_timezone(now.offset());

        .flat_map(|(i, ref t)| if && t.time <= now {
        } else {

/// Try to get the index of the user to post the given tweet.
/// This will fail iff there's no suitable user.
/// The returned index guaranteed to be valid.
/// # Examples
/// Finding a non-existant user:
/// ```
/// # extern crate tweetr;
/// # extern crate chrono;
/// # use tweetr::ops::{QueuedTweet, User, start_daemon};
/// # use chrono::{Duration, Local};
/// # fn main() {
/// let now = Local::now();
/// let now = now.with_timezone(now.offset());
/// let tweet = QueuedTweet {
///     author: "nabijaczleweli".to_string(),
///     time: now,
///     content: "dummy".to_string(),
///     time_posted: None,
///     id: None,
/// };
/// assert!(start_daemon::find_user_index_for_tweet(&tweet, &vec![]).is_err());
/// assert!(start_daemon::find_user_index_for_tweet(&tweet, &vec![User {
///     name: "danerangLP".to_string(),
///     id: 0x4208142311,
///     access_token_key: "key".to_string(),
///     access_token_secret: "secret".to_string(),
/// }]).is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
/// Finding am existing user:
/// ```
/// # extern crate tweetr;
/// # extern crate chrono;
/// # use tweetr::ops::{QueuedTweet, User, start_daemon};
/// # use chrono::{Duration, Local};
/// # fn main() {
/// let now = Local::now();
/// let now = now.with_timezone(now.offset());
/// assert_eq!(start_daemon::find_user_index_for_tweet(&QueuedTweet {
///     author: "danerangLP".to_string(),
///     time: now,
///     content: "dummy".to_string(),
///     time_posted: None,
///     id: None,
/// }, &vec![User {
///     name: "danerangLP".to_string(),
///     id: 0x4208142311,
///     access_token_key: "key".to_string(),
///     access_token_secret: "secret".to_string(),
/// }]), Ok(0));
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn find_user_index_for_tweet(tweet: &QueuedTweet, users: &Vec<User>) -> Result<usize, Outcome> {
    match users.iter().enumerate().find(|&iu| ==|iu| iu.0) {
        Some(uid) => Ok(uid),
        None => {
            Err(Outcome::RequiredDataFromSubsystemNonexistant {
                subsys: "add-user",
                desc: format!("add and authorise user with name \"{}\" (required for tweet \"{}\" scheduled for {:?})",

/// Post the specified tweet on behalf of the specified user and application, optionally printing progress.
/// The tweet is updated with the data returned by the Twitter API.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # extern crate tweetr;
/// # extern crate chrono;
/// # use tweetr::ops::{QueuedTweet, AppTokens, User, start_daemon};
/// # use chrono::{Duration, Local};
/// # fn main() {
/// let now = Local::now();
/// let now = now.with_timezone(now.offset());
/// let mut tweet = QueuedTweet {
///     author: "nabijaczleweli".to_string(),
///     time: now,
///     content: "This tweet will be posted, no matter the cost!".to_string(),
///     time_posted: None,
///     id: None,
/// };
/// let result = start_daemon::post_tweet(&mut tweet, &User {
///     name: "nabijaczleweli".to_string(),
///     id: 0x81423,
///     access_token_key: "529443-FNlJkpZCE7a4Bbd7f1k65GtgaH7SmHlReWSESD4".to_string(),
///     access_token_secret: "GVQDq88qLtJ45KR6u44A6AljW31JSSippjdipQg6gPYE5".to_string(),
/// }, &AppTokens {
///     key: "qzuqpwr101q4RtK9mDorI9ndm".to_string(),
///     secret: "HW4YG3Kdcap5ovcZ5fZfBJFedKR6GQe9MtZDS9Gm34hXiirkU5".to_string(),
/// }.into(), false, &mut vec![]);
/// assert_eq!(result.exit_value(), 0);
/// assert!(tweet.time_posted.is_some());
/// assert!(;
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn post_tweet<'a, W: Write>(tweet: &mut QueuedTweet, on_behalf_of: &User, app: &Token<'a>, verbose: bool, output: &mut W) -> Outcome {
    if verbose {
        write!(output, "Posting tweet scheduled for {:?}...", tweet.time).unwrap();

    match span_r(|| DraftTweet::new(&tweet.content).send(app, &Token::new(&on_behalf_of.access_token_key[..], &on_behalf_of.access_token_secret[..]))) {
        (dur, Ok(resp)) => {
            if verbose {
                writeln!(output, " {}ms", dur.num_milliseconds()).unwrap();

            tweet.time_posted = Some(DateTime::parse_from_str(&resp.response.created_at, TWEET_DATETIME_FORMAT).unwrap());
   = Some(;

                     "Posted tweet \"{}\" scheduled for {:?} by {} at {:?} with ID {}",

        (_, Err(e)) => {
            if verbose {
                writeln!(output, " FAILED").unwrap();