turtle 1.0.0-rc.3

Learn the Rust language by creating animated drawings!
# Line limits are important because most sane code probably shouldn't go on
# forever on only a single line. The problem is that line limits usually end up
# impacting code that should really be exempt from them. For example, functions
# taking long string literals and #[should_panic(expected = ...)] attributes
# tend to get formatted weirdly. The value of this configuration is set to allow
# most lines containing string literals and attributes to stay the way they were
# originally formatted by the programmer. We chose this value by trying out
# different limits and seeing at which point we started accidentally making
# rustfmt do bad things. For example, at around 162, rustfmt is able to put a
# very complex function signature on one line. This is not desirable, so we
# tuned the limit to be less than that.
max_width = 142