turbolift 0.1.8

Easy distribution interface 🚡
-    repo: local
        -   id: format
            name: Fmt
            description: Runs `cargo fmt` on the repository.
            entry: bash -c 'RUSTFLAGS='"'"'--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt'"'"' cargo fmt "$@"' --
            args: ["--"]
            language: system
            types: [rust]
        -   id: clippy
            name: Clippy
            description: Runs `cargo clippy` on the repository.
            entry: bash -c 'RUSTFLAGS='"'"'--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt'"'"' cargo clippy "$@"' --
            args: ["--", "-D", "warnings"]
            language: system
            types: [rust]
            pass_filenames: false
        -   id: check
            name: Cargo Check (local)
            description: Runs `cargo check` on the repository.
            entry: bash -c 'RUSTFLAGS='"'"'--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt'"'"' cargo check "$@"' --
            language: system
            types: [ rust ]
            pass_filenames: false
        -   id: check
            name: Cargo Check (distributed)
            description: Runs `cargo check` on the repository with distributed flag
            entry: bash -c 'RUSTFLAGS='"'"'--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt'"'"' cargo check --features distributed "$@"' --
            language: system
            types: [ rust ]
            pass_filenames: false
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
  rev: v3.2.0
    - id: trailing-whitespace
    - id: mixed-line-ending
    - id: end-of-file-fixer
    - id: detect-private-key
    - id: check-merge-conflict
    - id: check-toml
    - id: check-yaml
- repo: https://github.com/jumanjihouse/pre-commit-hooks
  rev: 2.1.4
    - id: markdownlint
    - id: shellcheck