turbolift 0.1.1

Easy distribution interface


status website

Turbolift is a WIP distribution platform for rust. It's designed to make distribution an afterthought by extracting and distributing specific functions and their dependencies from a larger rust application. Turbolift then acts as the glue between these extracted mini-apps and the main application.

Look in the examples directory for full projects with working syntax examples.

Distribution as an afterthought

Turbolift allows developers to turn normal rust functions into distributed services just by tagging them with a macro. Right now, Turbolift only works with K8s, though it's designed to be extended to other cluster management utilities.

Orchestration with a feature flag

Distribution is feature-gated in Turbolift, so it's easy to activate distribution for some builds and deactivate it for others (while developing locally, for example).

Important implementation notes

  • implemented over http using reqwest and actix-web (no current plans to refactor to use a lower level network protocol).
  • assumes a secure network– function parameters are sent in plaintext to the microservice.
  • source vulnerability: when building, anything in the project directory or in local dependencies declared in the project manifest could be bundled and sent over the network to workers.

More information is available on the project homepage.

Current Limitations

  • Because of reliance on unstable proc_macro::Span features, all programs using turbolift need to be built with an unstable nightly compiler flag (e.g. RUSTFLAGS='--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt' cargo build) (tracking issue).
  • Functions are assumed to be pure (lacking side-effects such as writing to the file system or mutation of a global variable). Today, this is not enforced by the code.
  • For a function to be distributed, its inputs and outputs have to be (de)serializable with Serde.
  • Distributed functions cannot be nested in other functions.
  • Distributed functions cannot be methods.
  • Distributed functions cannot use other functions called main.
  • Distributed functions not in main.rs cannot use functions declared in main.rs.
  • Distributed functions cannot have -> impl Trait types.
  • Unused functions that have been marked with the on macro will still be compiled for distribution, even if eventually the linker will then remove the completed binary and distribution code.
  • projects can have relative local dependencies listing in the cargo manifest, but those dependencies themselves should not have relative local dependencies prone to breaking.
  • if your program produces side effects when initialized, for example when global constants are initialized, those side effects may be triggered for each function call.
  • turbolift runs functions on an unreproducible linux build, it doesn't e.g. pin the env or match the OS of the current environment.

Current Project Goals

  • support kubernetes (pr).
  • implement liveliness and readiness checks for pods.
  • while setting up a new service, wait for the pod to come alive via readiness check instead of just sleeping (code location).
  • roadmap support for other targets.
  • only use distributed configuration when flagged (like in cargo build --features "distributed"). Otherwise, just transform the tagged function into an async function (to provide an identical API), but don't build any microservices or alter any code.
  • build cross-architecture compilation tests into the CI.

Current tech debt todo

  • start reducing ginormous API, right now basically everything is public
  • refactor split between turbolift_internals and turbolift_macros
  • improve names
  • send params in json as payload instead of directly in the url
  • we need to do a better job of cleaning up docker images, locally and in the cluster.