turbojpeg 0.1.0

Safe bindings for TurboJPEG


Rust bindings for TurboJPEG, which provides simple and fast compression/decompression of JPEG images.

TurboJPEG is a high-level API provided by libjpeg-turbo.


Use turbojpeg::Compressor to compress raw pixel data into JPEG (see examples/simple_compress.rs for full example):

use turbojpeg::{Compressor, Image, PixelFormat};

// prepare the raw pixel data
let width: usize = ...;
let height: usize = ...;
let pixels: Vec<u8> = ...;

// initialize a Compressor
let mut compressor = Compressor::new()?;

// create an Image that bundles a reference to the raw pixel data (as &[u8])
// with information about the image format
let image = Image {
    pixels: pixels.as_slice(),
    width: width,
    pitch: 3 * width, // there is no padding between rows
    height: height,
    format: PixelFormat::RGB,

// compress the Image to a Vec<u8> of JPEG data
let jpeg_data = compressor.compress_to_vec(image)?;

To decompress JPEG data into a raw pixel data, use turbojpeg::Decompressor (full example in examples/simple_decompress.rs):

use turbojpeg::{Decompressor, Image, PixelFormat};

// get the JPEG data
let jpeg_data: &[u8] = ...;

// initialize a Decompressor
let mut decompressor = Decompressor::new()?;

// read the JPEG header with image size
let header = decompressor.read_header(jpeg_data)?;
let (width, height) = (header.width, header.height);

// prepare a storage for the raw pixel data
let mut pixels = vec![0; 3*width*height];
let image = Image {
    pixels: pixels.as_mut_slice(),
    width: width,
    pitch: 3 * width, // we use no padding between rows
    height: height,
    format: PixelFormat::RGB,

// decompress the JPEG data 
decompressor.decompress_to_slice(jpeg_data, image)?;

// use the raw pixel data
println!("{:?}", &pixels[0..9]);

See other examples in examples/ or read the docs for more information.


The low-level binding to libturbojpeg is provided by the crate turbojpeg-sys, which needs:

  • C headers to generate the Rust binding code using bindgen.
  • Linker flags that rustc will use to link against libturbojpeg.

By default, the turbojpeg-sys crate uses a pregenerated Rust binding code (so you don't need the C headers) and the default linker flags -l turbojpeg. However, this behavior can be altered in several ways:

  • Feature flag pkg-config uses the pkg-config tool to find the linker flags and the include paths for C headers that are specific for your system.
  • Environment variable TURBOJPEG_INCLUDE_PATH, if specified, adds an extra include path for C headers.
  • Feature flag bindgen uses the bindgen tool to generate Rust binding code at build time, instead of using the pregenerated code. If no include paths are specified (using pkg-config or TURBOJPEG_INCLUDE_PATH), we use headers that are bundled with turbojpeg-sys.

All this magic is implemented in the build.rs script in turbojpeg-sys. If you think that it could be improved, or if you encounter an error on your system, please open an issue or a pull request.


All contributions are welcome! Please contact me (@honzasp) or open a pull request. This crate is rather minimal, the main areas of improvement are:

  • Extending the safe Rust API provided by turbojpeg crate.
  • Improving the build process of turbojpeg-sys crate, so that it works seamlessly on a wide range of systems.
  • Testing.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.