tui-tools 0.1.2

A collection of tools for building terminal user interfaces.
# tui-tools

## Description

Some tools I use for colorizing, and accepting input in a tui applications with minimal dependencies.

## Usage

Add the following to your Cargo.toml
tui-tools = "0.1.0"

## Examples

Colorize a string, enables ansi on windows.
use tui_tools::Colors;

fn main() {
    println!("{}", "Hello World!".green());

Get input from the user.
use tui_tools::getch;

fn main() {
    let input = getch();
    println!("You pressed: {}", input as char);

Clear the screen.
use tui_tools::cls;

fn main() {

## License


## Sources

- [How do I get keyboard input without the user pressing the Enter key?]