tui-prompts 0.3.12

A library for building interactive prompts for ratatui.
<h1><img src=""></h1>

# tui-prompts

[![Dependency Status](](

`tui-prompts` is a Rust crate that provides prompt widgets for the Ratatui crate. It allows for easy
creation of interactive command-line interfaces with various types of prompts. Inspired by
<> and various other prompt libraries.

## Examples

### Text Prompt


struct App<'a> {
    username_state: TextState<'a>,
    password_state: TextState<'a>,
    invisible_state: TextState<'a>,

impl<'a> App<'a> {
    fn draw_ui<B: Backend>(&mut self, frame: &mut Frame<B>) {
        let (username_area, password_area, invisible_area) = split_layout(frame.size())

            .draw(frame, username_area, &mut self.username_state);

            .draw(frame, password_area, &mut self.password_state);

            .draw(frame, invisible_area, &mut self.invisible_state);


![Text Prompt](

See the [text example](./examples/ for more details.

### Soft Wrapping

Text is automatically character wrapped to fit in the render area.


See the [multi line example](./examples/ for more details.

## Features

- [x] Text prompt
- [x] Password prompt
- [x] Invisible prompt
- [x] Readline / emacs style Key Bindings
- [x] Crossterm backend
- [x] Soft wrapping single lines
- [ ] Multi-line input
- [ ] Scrolling
- [ ] More prompt types:
  - [ ] Number
  - [ ] Confirm
  - [ ] List
  - [ ] Toggle
  - [ ] Select
  - [ ] Multi-select
  - [ ] Autocomplete
  - [ ] Autocomplete multi-select
  - [ ] Date
- [ ] Bracketed paste
- [ ] Validation
- [ ] Default initial value
- [ ] Custom style
- [ ] Themes
- [ ] Custom formatting
- [ ] Backend agnostic keyboard event handling ([Termion] and
- [ ] Customizable key bindings
- [ ] Handle more advanced multi-key bindings e.g. `^[b` and `^[f` for start / end of line
- [ ] Prompt chaining

## Installation

cargo add ratatui tui-prompts crossterm

Or add the following to your `Cargo.toml` file:

## Key Bindings

| Key | Action
| --- | ---
| Home, Ctrl+A | Move cursor to beginning of line
| End, Ctrl+E | Move cursor to end of line
| Left, Ctrl+B | Move cursor one character left
| Right, Ctrl+F | Move cursor one character right
| Backspace (Delete on Mac), Ctrl+H | Delete character before cursor
| Delete (Fn+Delete on Mac), Ctrl+D | Delete character at cursor
| Ctrl+K | Delete all characters from the cursor to the end of line
| Ctrl+U | Delete the entire line
| Enter | Complete the prompt
| Escape, Ctrl+C | Abort the prompt

## License

Dual-licensed under [Apache 2.0](./LICENSE-APACHE) or [MIT](./LICENSE-MIT).