tui-markup 0.3.0

markup langauge for terminal styled text
#![warn(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)]
#![warn(missing_docs, missing_debug_implementations)]
#![cfg_attr(not(test), forbid(unsafe_code))]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]

//! # tui markup
//! This crate provides a markup language to
//! quickly write colorful and styled terminal text in plain text.
//! I suggest to check [examples/help.txt], which generated this self-describing syntax help document:
//! ![][help-text-screenshot]
//! For formal syntax specification, see [docs/syntax.ebnf].
//! ## How to use
//! ```ignore
//! let output = tui_markup::compile::<Generator>("<bg:blue,green,b hello>").unwrap();
//! ```
//! The string wrapped in `<>`(like the `bg:blue,green,b` in above example) is called a element,
//! start with a tag list(comma separated), those tags add styles to inner items.
//! Usable tags are vary depending on the the [Generator] you use,
//! and generator will ignore all tags it does not understand.
//! So it's better checkout their document before write your markup text.
//! ### Builtin generators
//! The builtin generators are under feature gates:
//! feature     | Target                                                              | generator type
//! :---------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------ | :-------------
//! `ansi`      | Direct print into stdout when using an asni compatible terminal     | [`ANSIStringsGenerator`][generator::ANSIStringsGenerator]
//! `tui`       | Integrated with the popular [tui] crate                             | [`TuiTextGenerator`][generator::TuiTextGenerator]
//! `crossterm` | Integrated with [crossterm] crate                                   | [`CrosstermCommandsGenerator`][generator::CrosstermCommandsGenerator]
//! The example screenshot above is using the `tui` generator, print in Windows Terminal.
//! If you want write your own generator, please checkout documents of [Generator] trait.
//! [docs/syntax.ebnf]:
//! [help-text-screenshot]:
//! [examples/help.txt]:

mod error;
pub mod generator;
pub mod parser;

pub use error::{Error, LocatedError};

use generator::{Generator, TagConvertor};

/// Parse markup language source, then generate final output using the default configure of a generator type.
/// See document of generator type for examples.
/// ## Errors
/// If input source contains invalid syntax or generator failed.
pub fn compile<'a, G>(s: &'a str) -> Result<G::Output, Error<'a, G::Err>>
    G: Generator<'a> + Default,
    compile_with(s, G::default())

/// Parse markup language source, then generate final output using the provided generator.
/// See document of generator type for examples.
/// ## Errors
/// If input source contains invalid syntax or generator failed.
pub fn compile_with<'a, G>(s: &'a str, mut gen: G) -> Result<G::Output, Error<'a, G::Err>>
    G: Generator<'a>,
    let ast = parser::parse(s)?;
    let ir = gen.convertor().convert_ast(ast);
    match gen.generate(ir) {
        Ok(result) => Ok(result),
        Err(err) => Err(err.into()),