tugger 0.11.0

Package and distribute applications


Tugger is a generic application packaging and distribution tool.

Tugger implements its functionality across a series of crates:

  • tugger-binary-analysis - Analyze platform native binaries.
  • tugger-common - Shared functionality.
  • tugger-debian - Debian packaging.
  • tugger-file-manifest - Represent a collection of files.
  • tugger-licensing - Functionality related to software licensing.
  • tugger-licensing-net - Software licensing functionality requiring network access.
  • tugger-rpm - RPM packaging.
  • tugger-snapcraft - Snapcraft packaging.
  • tugger-windows - Common Windows functionality (like binary signing).
  • tugger-wix - WiX Toolset
  • tugger - High-level interface and Starlark dialect.

Tugger is part of the PyOxidizer project. However, Tugger is intended to be useful as a standalone project and is developed as such. However, its canonical source repository is the aforementioned PyOxidizer repository.


Tugger is still very alpha and rough around the edges. You probably don't want to use this crate.