tudelft-nes-ppu 2.0.2

support library for the 'software fundamentals' project for the TU Delft
pub type Color = (u8, u8, u8);

pub static NES_COLOR_PALLETE: [Color; 64] = [
    (128, 128, 128),
    (000, 061, 166),
    (000, 018, 176),
    (068, 000, 150),
    (161, 000, 094),
    (199, 000, 040),
    (186, 006, 000),
    (140, 023, 000),
    (092, 047, 000),
    (016, 069, 000),
    (005, 074, 000),
    (000, 071, 046),
    (000, 065, 102),
    (000, 000, 000),
    (005, 005, 005),
    (005, 005, 005),
    (199, 199, 199),
    (000, 119, 255),
    (033, 085, 255),
    (130, 055, 250),
    (235, 047, 181),
    (255, 041, 080),
    (255, 034, 000),
    (214, 050, 000),
    (196, 098, 000),
    (053, 128, 000),
    (005, 143, 000),
    (000, 138, 085),
    (000, 153, 204),
    (033, 033, 033),
    (009, 009, 009),
    (009, 009, 009),
    (255, 255, 255),
    (015, 215, 255),
    (105, 162, 255),
    (212, 128, 255),
    (255, 069, 243),
    (255, 097, 129),
    (255, 136, 051),
    (255, 156, 018),
    (250, 188, 032),
    (159, 227, 014),
    (043, 240, 053),
    (012, 240, 164),
    (005, 251, 255),
    (094, 094, 094),
    (013, 013, 013),
    (013, 013, 013),
    (255, 255, 255),
    (166, 252, 255),
    (179, 236, 255),
    (218, 171, 235),
    (255, 168, 249),
    (255, 171, 179),
    (255, 210, 176),
    (255, 239, 166),
    (255, 247, 156),
    (215, 232, 149),
    (166, 237, 175),
    (162, 242, 218),
    (153, 255, 252),
    (221, 221, 221),
    (017, 017, 017),
    (017, 017, 017),