tuc 0.5.0

When cut doesn't cut it
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Visit the last successful build: tuc-1.2.0

tuc (when cut doesn't cut it)

We've all been there. You want to cut some string on a delimiter repeated in a non-deterministic way. Maybe you even want to use negative indexes or replace the delimiters in the cut part with something else... That's where tuc can help.


Download one of the prebuilt binaries

or run

cargo install tuc


tuc 0.4.0
When cut doesn't cut it.

    tuc [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -p, --compress-delimiter    Display the delimiter at most once in a sequence
    -h, --help                  Prints help information
    -s, --only-delimited        Do not print lines not containing delimiters
    -V, --version               Prints version information

    -d, --delimiter <delimiter>    Delimiter to use to cut the text into pieces [default: 	]
    -f, --fields <fields>          Fields to keep, like 1:3 or 3,2 or 1: or 3,1:2 or -3 or -3:-2 [default: 1:]
    -r <replace-delimiter>         Replace the delimiter
    -t <trim>                      Valid trim values are (l|L)eft, (r|R)ight, (b|B)oth


# Cut using a greedy delimiter
 echo "foo    bar   baz" | tuc -d ' ' -f 2:
bar   baz
# Compress delimiters after cut
 echo "foo    bar   baz" | tuc -d ' ' -f 2: -p
bar baz
# Replace remaining delimiters with something else
 echo "foo    bar   baz" | tuc -d ' ' -f 2: -p -r ' -> '
bar -> baz
# Indexes can be negative and rearranged
 echo "a b c" | tuc -d ' ' -f -1,-2,-3
# Delimiters can be any number of characters long
 echo "a<sep>b<sep>c" | tuc -d '<sep>' -f 1,3
# Can split on unicode scalar values (expect UTF-8 encoding)
 echo "a𝌆b𝌆c" | tuc -d '𝌆' -f 1,3


Tuc is distributed under the GNU GPL license (version 3 or any later version).

See LICENSE file for details.