tubular 0.0.1

Multi-type, column-oriented DataFrame library for Rust focused on ergonomics


Multi-type, column-oriented DataFrame library for Rust

Project Goals

Flexibility and ergonomics are the primary goals of this library. We're not aiming to be the fastest or lowest-memory data structure for exploring datasets. The goal is to provide data analysts with the power of Pandas dataframe in Rust.

Example usage

use tubular::DataFrame;

fn main() {
let mut df = DataFrame::default();
df.push("Fruit", &["dragonfruit", "mango", "banana"]);
df.push("Quantities", &[15, 231, 600]);
df.push("Organic", &[false, true, true]);
println!("{}", &df);
// Prints out a table view of the DataFrame

Next Steps

Read through the DataFrame docs to dig into how to use and understand Tubular.