ttv-chat 0.1.1

A wrapper around the `twitchchat` crate to bundle it with the `ttv-rs` crate
version = "0.14.8"

all = ["async", "log"]
async = ["twitchchat/async"]
async-channel = ["twitchchat/async-channel"]
async-dup = ["twitchchat/async-dup"]
async-io = ["twitchchat/async-io"]
async-std = ["twitchchat/async-std"]
async-tls = ["twitchchat/async-tls"]
default = []
fastrand = ["twitchchat/fastrand"]
futures-lite = ["twitchchat/futures-lite"]
futures-timer = ["twitchchat/futures-timer"]
log = ["twitchchat/log"]
native-tls = ["twitchchat/native-tls"]
pin-project-lite = ["twitchchat/pin-project-lite"]
serde = ["twitchchat/serde"]
smol = ["twitchchat/smol"]
tokio = ["twitchchat/tokio"]
tokio-native-tls = ["twitchchat/tokio-native-tls"]
tokio-rustls = ["twitchchat/tokio-rustls"]
tokio-util = ["twitchchat/tokio-util"]
webpki-roots = ["twitchchat/webpki-roots"]

authors = ["Waridley <>"]
categories = ["asynchronous", "network-programming", "parser-implementations"]
description = "A wrapper around the `twitchchat` crate to bundle it with the `ttv-rs` crate"
edition = "2018"
keywords = ["twitch", "irc", "async", "asynchronous", "tokio"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
name = "ttv-chat"
repository = ""
version = "0.1.1"
all-features = true