ttk91 0.2.0

A parser, compiler and emulator library for the TTK91 instruction architecture.
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## Overview

The `ttk91` crate provides a library for dealing with TTK91 bytecode and symbolic assembly files,
compiling assembly to bytecode and executing bytecode. The crate also includes tools
for doing these tasks from the command-line. The [`ttk91-wasm`]( crate provides a (limited) WebAssembly interface for this crate, via which [`ttk91-web`]( uses this crate.

## Features

- Parse TTK91 programs from both the symbolic and the bytecode formats
- Compile symbolic assembly into bytecode
- Generate source map for the bytecode
- Execute bytecode
- Extensible IO and Memory interfaces
- [Command-line utilities]#command-line-utilities

## Example
use ttk91::{
    emulator::{Emulator, StdIo, Memory},

fn main() {
    // Simple TTK91 program that adds 13 and 15 together and outputs the answer.
    let symbolic_source = r#"
        ;; DATA
        X       DC      13
        Y       DC      15

        ;; CODE
        MAIN 	LOAD 	R1, X
                ADD 	R1, Y
                OUT 	R1, =CRT
                SVC 	SP, =HALT

    // Parse the symbolic assembly into symbolic IR.
    let symbolic = Program::parse(symbolic_source).unwrap();

    // Translate the symbolic IR into bytecode IR.
    let compiled = symbolic.compile();

    // Convert the bytecode IR to bytecode.
    let memory = compiled.to_words();

    // Load the bytecode into an emulator which uses the standard output.
    let mut emulator = Emulator::new(memory, StdIo);

    // Execute the bytecode.
        .expect("an error occured while emulating the program");

# Command-line Utilities

This crate comes with multiple command-line utilities.
These utilities can be enables with the `tools` feature or individually with the `ttk91repl`
and `ttk91run` features.

## `ttk91repl`

The `ttk91repl` provides a Read-Execute-Print-Loop environment for the TTK91 symbolic assembly
language. It supports alternating between writing and executing code and provides multiple
commands suitable for debugging.

0x8000> LOAD  R1, =5
0x8001> OUT   R1, =CRT
0x0002> .register r1
Register R1 = 5
0x8002> SUB   R1, =1
0x8003> JNZER R1, 0x8001

## `ttk91run`

The `ttk91run` command-line tool is capable of emulating TTK91 programs in both the symbolic
and the bytecode formats.

$ ttk91run tests/hello.k91
$ ttk91run tests/hello.b91