ttdl 0.7.0

TTDL - Terminal ToDo List manager
ttdl-0.7.0 is not a library.

TTDL (Terminal ToDo List)


A CLI tool to manage todo lists in todo.txt format. A short demo of TTDL in action:


The application can be compiled from source, or installed using cargo:

$ cargo install ttdl

You need Rust compiler that supports Rust 2018 edition (Rust 1.31 or newer) to do it. If you want to upgrade existing ttdl execute the following command:

$ cargo install ttdl --force

Precompiled binaries

For Windows and Ubuntu you can download precompiled binaries from Release page.

  • Windows binary works on Windows 7 or newer Windows.
  • Ubuntu binary tested on Ubuntu 16 but should work on Ubuntu 18 (and maybe on other deb-based Linux distributions)

Known issues

Adding a new todo, append or prepend a text to existing todo results in error:

It may happen if the text starts with(or contains only) a project or a context:

$ ttdl add "+myproject"
Subject is empty

Workaround: add a space between quotation mark and '+' or '@' symbol. The todo will be added without leading space:

$ ttdl add " +myproject"
Added todo:
# D P Created    Finished   Due        Threshold  Subject
8                                                 +myproject


TTDL is a standalone binary and it does not create any files in user's directory. But at start, it checks for a configuration file - please see example configuration (ttdl.toml)[./ttdl.toml] in user's configuration directory and loads it. Local configuration files are supported as well. Locations where TTDL looks for a configuration file:

  • current working directory
  • Linux: ~/.config/ttdl/ttdl.toml
  • Windows: c:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\ttdl\ttdl.toml
  • OSX: /Users/{username}/Library/Preferences/ttdl/ttdl.toml

First, TTDL looks for a configuration file in the current working directory. And only if it does not contain ttdl.toml, the application looks for its configuration file in user's directory. Automatic configuration path detection can be overridden with command line option -c or --config. If the option is set in command line TTDL disables automatic detection of the configuration file path.

The configuration file contains options that cannot be set in command line:

  • colors for special kinds of todos: overdue, due today, due soon, top priority, high priority, and completed
  • ranges for cases "due soon" and "high priority". By default both option are disabled. To enable "due soon", set it to the number of days, so todos that are due in equal to or less than that number(except overdue and due today todos) will be displayed with soon color. To enable high priority highlight, set important to a priority - all todos with this priority or higher(except top priority ones) will be displayed with important color.
  • filename - the path to global todo file (can point to directory, TTDL adds todo.txt automatically if filename is a directory). To override the option, you can set environment variable TTDL_FILENAME or use command line option --local if you need to load todo list from current working directory
  • creation_date_auto The option defines TTDL behavior when a new todo is added. By default, TTDL adds a todo as is - a user must set manually creation date in the subject. Setting creation_date_auto to true makes TTDL to set today as creation date for all new todos if their subject does not include creation date.

How to use

Run TTDL with the command line:

ttdl [command] [ID range] [subject] [filter options] [extra options]

Options can be at any position. ID range and subject are optional but if you are going to use both, ID range must go first.

If a non-option starts with + or @, the option is considered as a filter by project or context respectively. Command line can contain as many projects and contexts as needed. In this case, all items of the same group are combined with OR. Example: if you execute ttdl list +myproj +demo @docs, it displays all todos that belongs to either myproj or demo, and have docs context.

If the first non-option word contains only digits and dash character, it is treated as a single ID(only digits) or ID range(digits with a dash) or ID list(numbers separated with comma). ID is 1-based: a number between 1 and the number of todos in the entire list. It is OK to use ID out of that range: IDs that greater than the number of todos or lower than 1 are skipped. So, e.g, if you want to remove all todos starting from 10th todo, you can run the command ttdl remove 10-999999 -a - -a to delete both completed and incomplete todos.

The second non-option(or the first one if ID range is not defined) is a subject. Subject's usage depends on command:

  • add - it is an entire text for a new todo (including projects, contexts, due date, recurrence);
  • edit - it is an entire new subject for the first selected todo;
  • for the rest commands it can be either a substring(case-insensitive search) or a regular expression to search in the todo's subject, projects, and contexts - depends on the option --regex.


  1. All dates are entered and displayed in format - YYYY-MM-DD(4 year digits - 2 month digits - 2 day digits)
  2. Recurrence is defined in format 'the number of intervals' + 'interval type' without a space between them. Interval type is one of d - days, w - weeks, m - months, y - years. Example: to add a todo with your friend's birthday(let's assume today is 10th of April) use the following command ttdl add "best friend birthday due:2019-04-10 rec:1y". After the birthday passes, just execute ttdl done <todo-ID> and it will change its due date to 2020-04-10
  3. Recurrence special case: if you set due date to the last day of a month and interval is a month or longer then the next due date will always be the end of the months. Example: a todo pay credit due:2019-02-28 rec:1m after executing ttdl done ID turns into pay credit due:2019-03-31

Output example

# D P Created    Finished   Due        Threshold  Subject
1 x A 2016-04-30 2016-05-20                       measure space for +chapelShelving @chapel
2   C 2016-05-20                                  paint +chapelShelving @shelve
3 R                         2018-11-11            pay credit card rec:1m
3 todos (of 3 total)


  • # - order number of a todo
  • D - 'Done', it is empty for an incomplete regular todo, 'x' for a completed todo, and 'R' for recurrent todo
  • P - priority (from A to Z, empty value means no priority)
  • T - marks an active todo - a todo which has its timer running to track time spent on it


In the long run e a todo list gets full of completed tasks. They may slow down the todo list management. If you do not need to keep completed stuff, you can delete them using command remove. But if completed tasks must be kept for a while, you can archive them. Execute clean(or archive) command and completed tasks will be moved from the actual todo list to its archive.

Archiving completed todos makes the actual todo list loading faster. Though it has a few drawbacks:

  • archived todos cannot be modified (e.g, if you want to delete some archived todos, you have to do it manually in any text editor)
  • there is no way to show actual and archived todos at the same

How to show archived todos

To display archived todos, use option --done. The option enables "archive" mode: the only available command in this mode is list and TTDL loads done.txt instead of todo.txt. On entering this mode, the option -A is enabled automatically if neither -a nor -A is defined.

Supported commands

The list of available command is short but the commands are powerful. All commands support group operations and dry run mode. Except add command that adds a new todo one at a time. Please, refer to section "Examples", it provides a handful of useful examples of how to filter and modify todo list.


  • add - add a new todo;
  • list - show list of todo items. By default it displays all incomplete todos;
  • done - mark selected todos completed. If a todo is recurrent its due date moves to the next date but the todo remains incomplete;
  • undone - remove finished mark from completed todos;
  • remove - deletes the selected todos;
  • clean - moves completed todos from main file to done.txt. The file done.txt is created(if it does not exist) in the same directory where main todo list file is located;
  • edit - modify one or few properties for the selected todos. One exception: modifying todo's subject changes only the first selected todo, others are skipped;
  • append - adds a text to the end of the selected todos (space between old text and new one is added automatically);
  • prepend - inserts a new text at the beginning of the selected todos (space between old text and new one is added automatically);
  • start - activate todo's timer;
  • stop - stop todo's timer and update time spent on the todo;
  • stats - display todo statistics: total number of todos, done and overdue ones, spent time, and detailed statistics grouped by project and context.
  • postpone - push task's due date (modifies only incomplete tasks with due date defined), argument is the number of days/weeks/months/years to push the date in format: single digit and d/w/m/y without a space between them

Most of the commands can be abbreviated. Please refer to built-in TTDL help to get a list of full command names and their aliases.

NOTE: done moves a recurrent todo's due date to the next one, but it does not check if the new due date is in the future (it is by design). So, if a monthly task is 2 months overdue, you have to execute ttdl done ID two times to push it to the incoming month or manually set a new due date with the command ttdl edit ID --set-due=YYYY-MM-DD.


The original todo.txt format describes a user-defined tags that can be used by any application for special needs. The format of a tag is tag_name:tag_value. The original format does not specify any tag - all are considered custom ones.

TTDL supports a few custom tags (as of version 0.3):

  • due - a todo's due date. The tag value is in format YYYY-MM-DD;
  • t - a todo's threshold date. The tag value is in format YYYY-MM-DD;
  • rec - makes a todo recurrent. It makes sense only when using along with due tag. The tag value is the number of time intervals and one-character time interval name: d - every few days, w every few weeks, m - every few months, y - every few years. Examples: 1w - a weekly todo, 5d - every 5 days.

Time tracking

TTDL version 0.5.0 introduced time tracking feature. It consists of two new commands start to activate time tracking for a given todo, and stop to stop time tracking and update todo's time taken.

The list command adds an extra column Spent that displays total time the todo has taken by the current time.


Command stats displays general statistics followed by detailed one. If you need only general one use option --short.

General statistics includes the total numbers of all todos, completed, overdue, recurrent todos, and todos that missed threshold date. For the all numbers, except the total number of all todos, the percentage of all todos is displayed in parentheses. Example:

Total todos:          8
Done:                 1 (12%)
Missed theshold:      1 (12%)
Overdue:              2 (25%)
Recurrent:            1

Detailed statistics groups all todos by projects and contexts and prints the subtotals for all of them. Note: because of todos can have no project or have more than one project or context, the total number of all todos is usually not equal to sum of all subgroups. Example:

Project         Context    Total      Done       Overdue    Spent
                              8(100%)    1( 12%)    2( 25%) 3.1m
chapelshelving                2( 25%)    1( 50%)
                chapel        1( 50%)    1(100%)
                shelve        1( 50%)
myproj                        1( 12%)               1(100%)
                bug           1(100%)               1(100%)
                ui            1(100%)               1(100%)


  1. The first line with number is a grand total for the entire todo list
  2. In the example above, there are total 8 todos, but only 3 of them have project tags. And myproject project has only one todo with 2 context tags
  3. For project headers (lines which have some project and empty context) the percentage is calculated from all todos, for context totals the percentage is calculated from project total todos
  4. Done and overdue percentage is always calculated from the total of the current line
  5. Spent time adds low-cased letters for time spans less than a day (s - seconds, m - minutes, h - hours), and upper-cased letter for longer spans (D - days, M - months, Y - years).

Extra features

Each command that modifies todo list supports dry run mode. The mode is enabled with an option --dry-run. When executing ttdl with the option, it finds out which todos would be changed after the command completes, then displays existing todos and their new values.

By default TTDL outputs the todo list in long mode and uses colors. To disable colors, use an option --no-colors. To make the output shorter, use an option --short to show only a few the most important fields(ID, completion mark, priority, and subject), or choose which fields to display with an option --fields: a comma-separated list of fields. NOTE: the option --fields defines only a field visibility, but not its order. So, --fields=pri,due and --fields=due,pri result in the same output.

For easier reading due date, there is an option --human that turns dates into relative dates. So, due date 2018-11-11 can turn into in 3d (if the current date is 2018-11-08) or into 3d overdue(if the current date is 2018-11-14). Using an option --compact makes the output even shorter: it removes all ins and overdues. To understand whether a todo is overdue or not, just check its color: overdue ones are drawn in red color(unless you used the option --no-colors or modified color in TTDL config). Option --human supports a list of fields to show as relative ones: ttdl l --human="due".

Command line examples

By default todos from a given range are processed only if they are incomplete. To process all(both done and incomplete), add an option --all or -a. To process only done todos, add an option -A. NOTE: the only exception is the command clean|archive, it enables option -A automatically if --all is not present in command line.

List and filter

Command Description
ttdl l 2 show a single todo with ID 2
ttdl l 2-5 show todos with ID from 2 through 5
ttdl l 2,5 show only todos with ID 2 and 5
ttdl l -s=proj,pri show all todos sorted by their project and by priority inside each project
ttdl l "car*" list todos which have substring car* in their subject, project or context
ttdl l "car*" -e list todos which have subject, project or context matched regular expression car*
ttdl l "car" list todos which have substring car in their subject, project or context
ttdl l --pri=a show todos with the highest priority A
ttdl l --pri=b+ show todos with priority B and higher (only A and B in this case)
ttdl l +car +train show todos which related either to car or to train projects
ttdl l +my* @*tax show todos that have a project tag starts with my and a context ends with tax
ttdl l --due=tomorrow show todos that are due tomorrow
ttdl l --due=soon show todos which are due are due in less a few days, including overdue ones (the range is configurable and default value is 7 days)
ttdl l --due=overdue show overdue todos
ttdl l --due=today show todos that are due today
ttdl l +myproj @ui @rest show todos related to project 'myproj' which contains either 'ui' or 'rest' context

Add a new todo

Command Description
ttdl a "send tax declaration +personal @finance @tax due:2018-04-01 rec:1y" add a new recurrent todo(yearly todo) with a due date first of April every year

Done (undone)

Command Description
ttdl d 2-5 mark todos with IDs from 2 through 5 done

Clean up the list

Command Description
ttdl rm 2-5 delete incomplete todos with IDs from 2 thorough 5
ttdl rm 2-5 -a delete both done and incomplete todos with IDs from 2 through 5
ttdl rm 2-5 -A delete all done todos with IDs from 2 through 5
ttdl clean 2-5 --wipe delete all completed todos with IDs from 2 through 5. It does the same as the previous command does
ttdl clean 2-5 move all completed todos with IDs from 2 through 5 to done.txt

Modify todo list

Command Description
ttdl e 2-5 "new subject" only the first incomplete todo with ID between 2 and 5 changes its subject (in this case todo with ID equals 2 gets subject "new subject")
ttdl e +proj --repl-ctx=bug1010@bug1020 replace context bug1010 with bug1020 for all incomplete todos that related to project proj
ttdl e @customer_acme --set-due=2018-12-31 set due date 2018-12-31 for all incomplete todos that has customer_acme context
ttdl e @customer_acme --set-due=none remove due date 2018-12-31 for all incomplete todos that has customer_acme context
ttdl e --pri=none --set-pri=z set the lowest priority for all incomplete todos which do not have a priority set
ttdl e @bug1000 --set-pri=+ increase priority for all incomplete todos which have context bug1000, todos which did not have priority set get the lowest priority z
ttdl postpone 3 5d push back due date of task #3 by 5 days