tsu 0.1.1

Toml encoding and decoding utilities,parse to toml
use std::sync::MutexGuard;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use toml::Value;
use serde::ser::Serialize;

/// ## toml_from_str used to convert string to toml data
/// ```ignore
///let cargo_toml_mutex = tsu::toml_from_str(r#"
///name = "toml"
///version = "0.4.5"
///authors = ["Alex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>"]
///travis-ci = { repository = "alexcrichton/toml-rs" }
///serde = "1.0"
///serde_derive = "1.0"
///serde_json = "1.0"
///let package = cargo_toml_mutex.get("package").unwrap();
///let authors = package.get("authors").unwrap();
///println!("{:#?}", &package);
///println!("{:#?}", &authors);
///let badges = cargo_toml_mutex.get("badges").unwrap();
///println!("{:#?}", &badges);
///let dependencies = cargo_toml_mutex.get("dependencies").unwrap();
///println!("{:#?}", &dependencies);
///let dev_dependencies = cargo_toml_mutex.get("dev-dependencies").unwrap();
///println!("{:#?}", &dev_dependencies);
/// ```
pub fn toml_from_str(toml_str:impl ToString)-> MutexGuard<'static, Value> {
    let toml_str_m = Box::leak(Box::new(Mutex::new(toml_str.to_string().parse::<Value>().unwrap())));

/// ## to_toml_str used to convert struct to toml string
/// ```ignore
///  use serde_derive::Serialize;
///  #[derive(Serialize)]
///  struct Human {
///      name: String,
///      age: u8,
///      country: Country,
///  }
///  #[derive(Serialize)]
///  struct Country {
///      name: String,
///  }
///  let user = Human {
///      name: "mike".to_string(),
///      age: 18,
///      country: Country {
///          name: "country_name".to_string(),
///      },
///  };
///  let toml = tsu::to_toml_str(&user);
///  println!("{}",toml.as_str());
/// ```
pub fn to_toml_str(toml_str:impl Serialize) -> MutexGuard<'static, String> {
    let toml_str_m = Box::leak(Box::new(Mutex::new(toml::to_string(&toml_str).unwrap())));