tsproto-structs 0.1.0

Resource files for several TeamSpeak related data.
# tsproto-structs   [![docs.rs]https://docs.rs/tsproto-structs/badge.svg]https://docs.rs/tsproto-structs
`tsproto-structs` contains machine readable data for several TeamSpeak
related topics.

The underlying data file can be found in the [tsdeclarations](https://github.com/ReSpeak/tsdeclarations)

The contained data may change with any version so the suggested way of
referring to this crate is using `tsproto-structs = "=0.1.0"`.

The helper functions found in the root of this crate may also change with
any version.

A change in the way data are stored and made accessible is considered an API
breaking change and will increment the minor version number.

## License
Licensed under either of

 * [Apache License, Version 2.0]LICENSE-APACHE
 * [MIT license]LICENSE-MIT

at your option.