[][src]Function tskit_rust::bindings::tsk_table_collection_truncate

pub unsafe extern "C" fn tsk_table_collection_truncate(
    self_: *mut tsk_table_collection_t,
    bookmark: *mut tsk_bookmark_t
) -> c_int

@brief Truncates the tables in this table collection according to the specified bookmark.

@rst Truncate the tables in this collection so that each one has the number of rows specified in the parameter :c:type:tsk_bookmark_t. Use the :c:func:tsk_table_collection_record_num_rows function to record the number rows for each table in a table collection at a particular time. @endrst

@param self A pointer to a tsk_individual_table_t object. @param bookmark The number of rows to retain in each table. @return Return 0 on success or a negative value on failure.