[][src]Function tskit_rust::bindings::tsk_population_table_add_row

pub unsafe extern "C" fn tsk_population_table_add_row(
    self_: *mut tsk_population_table_t,
    metadata: *const c_char,
    metadata_length: tsk_size_t
) -> tsk_id_t

@brief Adds a row to this population table.

@rst Add a new population with the specified metadata to the table. A copy of the metadata is immediately taken. See the :ref:table definition <sec_population_table_definition> for details of the columns in this table. @endrst

@param self A pointer to a tsk_population_table_t object. @param metadata The metadata to be associated with the new population. This is a pointer to arbitrary memory. Can be NULL if metadata_length is 0. @param metadata_length The size of the metadata array in bytes. @return Return the ID of the newly added population on success, or a negative value on failure.