tryfromfail 0.1.0

Derive failing TryFrom for a set of target types.
# `tryfromfail`

[![Latest Version](](

Custom derive failing `TryFrom` implementations for a set of target types.

Returns the original value as `Err(value)`.

## Example


extern crate tryfromfail;

use std::convert::TryInto;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, FailingTryFrom)]


struct SomeType {}

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]

struct OtherType {}


fn works() {
    let val = OtherType {};
    let failed_try_from: Result<SomeType, OtherType> = val.try_into();
    assert_eq!(failed_try_from, Err(OtherType {}));