trybuild 1.0.80

Test harness for ui tests of compiler diagnostics
test_normalize! {
error[E0277]: the trait bound `QueryParams: schemars::JsonSchema` is not satisfied
   --> /git/dropshot/dropshot/tests/fail/
24  |     _params: Query<QueryParams>,
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `schemars::JsonSchema` is not implemented for `QueryParams`
note: required by a bound in `dropshot::Query`
   --> /git/dropshot/dropshot/src/
547 | pub struct Query<QueryType: DeserializeOwned + JsonSchema + Send + Sync> {
    |                                                ^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `dropshot::Query`
" "
error[E0277]: the trait bound `QueryParams: schemars::JsonSchema` is not satisfied
  --> tests/fail/
24 |     _params: Query<QueryParams>,
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `schemars::JsonSchema` is not implemented for `QueryParams`
note: required by a bound in `dropshot::Query`
  --> src/
   | pub struct Query<QueryType: DeserializeOwned + JsonSchema + Send + Sync> {
   |                                                ^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `dropshot::Query`