try-let 0.1.2

A syntax extension for a basic try-let form
# Try-Let

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This is an implementation of a `try-let` similar to the one proposed in
[RFC #1303](, as a syntax 

> _NOTE:_ This is a syntax extension, and thus uses unstable features and
> will not work on stable rust.

## Usage

try-let is implemented using a syntax extension instead of a macro, as
parsing the pattern expression in the way which try-let needs to is not
possible with a `macro_rules!` macro.

To use the plugin, add `#[plugin(try_let)]` to the top of the project, 
like so:


The actual use is fairly similar to a `let` expression:

try_let!(Some(x) = ... else return Err("Shoot! There was a problem!"));

The expression after else must diverge (e.g. via `return`, `continue`, `break`
or `panic!`).

If you care about the values of other alternatives, you can match against them

// What do you know! It's `let x = try!(...)` implemented more verbosely!
try_let!(Ok(x) = ... {
    Err(e) => return e

This also handles more complex types than `Some` and `None`:

enum E {
    A(i32, i32, i32, i32, Option<i32>, Result<(), i32>),

// ...

try_let!(A(a, 21, c, 34, Some(e), Err(f)) = ... else return);
// a, c, e, and f are all bound here.

## Why

This provides a simple way to avoid the rightward-shift of logic which performs
a large number of faillible pattern matches in rust. This allows the main logic
flow to continue without increasing the indent level, while handling errors with
diverging logic.

## How

a `try_let!()` invocation expands to the following:

try_let!(Some(x) = ... else return Err("Shoot! There was a problem!"));
// ... becomes ...
let (x,) = match ... {
    Some(x) => (x,),
    _ => return Err("Shoot! There was a problem!"),

try_let!(Ok(x) = ... {
    Err(e) => return e
// ... becomes ...
let (x,) = match ... {
    Ok(x) => (x,),
    Err(e) => return e,

### A note on `None` and empty enum variants

A question which some people will be asking now is how are enum variants like
`None` handled?

try_let!(None = ... else return);
// ... becomes ...
let () = match ... {
    None => (),
    _ => return,

`None` isn't mistaken for a binding variable by try-let because of the dirty
little trick which try-let uses to function: which is that it is powered by
rust's style conventions. There is no way for the parser (which is all that the
syntax extension has access to) to determine whether a lone identifier in a
pattern is an empty enum variant like `None` or a variable binding like `x`.
This is determined later in the compiler, too late for this extension to use
that information.

Instead, the extension checks the first character of the identifier. If it is an
ASCII capital, we assume it is a empty enum variant, and otherwise we assume it
is a variable binding.