trust-dns 0.11.0

TRust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library. This is the Client library with DNSec support. DNSSec with NSEC validation for negative records, is complete. The client supports dynamic DNS with SIG0 authenticated requests, implementing easy to use high level funtions. TRust-DNS is based on the Tokio and Futures libraries, which means it should be easily integrated into other software that also use those libraries.
// Copyright 2015-2016 Benjamin Fry <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::io;
use std::time::Duration;

use chrono::Utc;
use futures::{Async, Complete, Future, Poll, task};
use futures::IntoFuture;
use futures::stream::{Peekable, Fuse as StreamFuse, Stream};
use futures::sync::mpsc::{unbounded, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender};
use futures::sync::oneshot;
use rand::Rng;
use rand;
use tokio_core::reactor::{Handle, Timeout};

use error::*;
use op::{Message, MessageType, OpCode, Query, UpdateMessage};
use rr::{domain, DNSClass, IntoRecordSet, RData, Record, RecordType};
use rr::dnssec::Signer;
use rr::rdata::NULL;

const QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS: usize = 100; // max number of messages to receive from the UDP socket

/// A reference to a Sender of bytes returned from the creation of a UdpClientStream or TcpClientStream
pub type StreamHandle = UnboundedSender<Vec<u8>>;

/// Implementations of Sinks for sending DNS messages
pub trait ClientStreamHandle {
    /// Sends a message to the Handle for delivery to the server.
    fn send(&mut self, buffer: Vec<u8>) -> io::Result<()>;

impl ClientStreamHandle for StreamHandle {
    fn send(&mut self, buffer: Vec<u8>) -> io::Result<()> {
        UnboundedSender::send(self, buffer).map_err(|_| {

/// A DNS Client implemented over futures-rs.
/// This Client is generic and capable of wrapping UDP, TCP, and other underlying DNS protocol
///  implementations.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct ClientFuture<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error>> {
    stream: S,
    reactor_handle: Handle,
    timeout_duration: Duration,
    // TODO genericize and remove this Box
    stream_handle: Box<ClientStreamHandle>,
        Peekable<StreamFuse<UnboundedReceiver<(Message, Complete<ClientResult<Message>>)>>>,
    active_requests: HashMap<u16, (Complete<ClientResult<Message>>, Timeout)>,
    // TODO: Maybe make a typed version of ClientFuture for Updates?
    signer: Option<Signer>,

impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> ClientFuture<S> {
    /// Spawns a new ClientFuture Stream. This uses a default timeout of 5 seconds for all requests.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `stream` - A stream of bytes that can be used to send/receive DNS messages
    ///              (see TcpClientStream or UdpClientStream)
    /// * `loop_handle` - A Handle to the Tokio reactor Core, this is the Core on which the
    ///                   the Stream will be spawned
    /// * `stream_handle` - The handle for the `stream` on which bytes can be sent/received.
    /// * `signer` - An optional signer for requests, needed for Updates with Sig0, otherwise not needed
    pub fn new(stream: Box<Future<Item = S, Error = io::Error>>,
               stream_handle: Box<ClientStreamHandle>,
               loop_handle: &Handle,
               signer: Option<Signer>)
               -> BasicClientHandle {

    /// Spawns a new ClientFuture Stream.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `stream` - A stream of bytes that can be used to send/receive DNS messages
    ///              (see TcpClientStream or UdpClientStream)
    /// * `loop_handle` - A Handle to the Tokio reactor Core, this is the Core on which the
    ///                   the Stream will be spawned
    /// * `timeout_duration` - All requests may fail due to lack of response, this is the time to
    ///                        wait for a response before canceling the request.
    /// * `stream_handle` - The handle for the `stream` on which bytes can be sent/received.
    /// * `signer` - An optional signer for requests, needed for Updates with Sig0, otherwise not needed
    pub fn with_timeout(stream: Box<Future<Item = S, Error = io::Error>>,
                        stream_handle: Box<ClientStreamHandle>,
                        loop_handle: &Handle,
                        timeout_duration: Duration,
                        signer: Option<Signer>)
                        -> BasicClientHandle {
        let (sender, rx) = unbounded();

        let loop_handle_clone = loop_handle.clone();
                       .then(move |res| match res {
                                 Ok(stream) => {
                                     ClientStreamOrError::Future(ClientFuture {
                                                                     stream: stream,
                                                                     stream_handle: stream_handle,
                                                                     new_receiver: rx.fuse()
                                                                     signer: signer,
                                 Err(stream_error) => {
                                     ClientStreamOrError::Errored(ClientStreamErrored {
                                                                      error: stream_error,
                                                                      new_receiver: rx.fuse()
                       .map_err(|e: ClientError| {
                                    error!("error in Client: {}", e);

        BasicClientHandle { message_sender: sender }

    /// loop over active_requests and remove cancelled requests
    ///  this should free up space if we already had 4096 active requests
    fn drop_cancelled(&mut self) {
        // TODO: should we have a timeout here? or always expect the caller to do this?
        let mut canceled = HashSet::new();
        for (&id, &mut (ref mut req, ref mut timeout)) in self.active_requests.iter_mut() {
            if let Ok(Async::Ready(())) = req.poll_cancel() {

            // check for timeouts...
            match timeout.poll() {
                Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => {
                    warn!("request timeout: {}", id);
                Ok(Async::NotReady) => (),
                Err(e) => {
                    error!("unexpected error from timeout: {}", e);

        // drop all the canceled requests
        for id in canceled {
            if let Some((req, _)) = self.active_requests.remove(&id) {
                // TODO, perhaps there is a different reason timeout? but there shouldn't be...
                //  being lazy and always returning timeout in this case (if it was canceled then the
                //  then the otherside isn't really paying attention anyway)

                // complete the request, it's failed...
                    .expect("error notifying wait, possible future leak");

    /// creates random query_id, validates against all active queries
    fn next_random_query_id(&self) -> Async<u16> {
        let mut rand = rand::thread_rng();

        for _ in 0..100 {
            let id = rand.gen_range(0_u16, u16::max_value());

            if !self.active_requests.contains_key(&id) {
                return Async::Ready(id);

        warn!("could not get next random query id, delaying");

impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> Future for ClientFuture<S> {
    type Item = ();
    type Error = ClientError;

    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {

        // loop over new_receiver for all outbound requests
        loop {
            // get next query_id
            let query_id: Option<u16> = match self.new_receiver.peek() {
                Ok(Async::Ready(Some(_))) => {
                    debug!("got message from receiver");

                    // we have a new message to send
                    match self.next_random_query_id() {
                        Async::Ready(id) => Some(id),
                        Async::NotReady => break,
                Ok(_) => None,
                Err(()) => {
          warn!("receiver was shutdown?");

            // finally pop the reciever
            match self.new_receiver.poll() {
                Ok(Async::Ready(Some((mut message, complete)))) => {
                    // if there was a message, and the above succesion was succesful,
                    //  register the new message, if not do not register, and set the complete to error.
                    // getting a random query id, this mitigates potential cache poisoning.
                    // TODO: for SIG0 we can't change the message id after signing.
                    let query_id = query_id.expect("query_id should have been set above");

                    // update messages need to be signed.
                    if let OpCode::Update = message.op_code() {
                        if let Some(ref signer) = self.signer {
                            // TODO: it's too bad this happens here...
                            if let Err(e) = message.sign(signer, Utc::now().timestamp() as u32) {
                                warn!("could not sign message: {}", e);
                                    .expect("error notifying wait, possible future leak");
                                continue; // to the next message...

                    // store a Timeout for this message before sending
                    let timeout = match Timeout::new(self.timeout_duration, &self.reactor_handle) {
                        Ok(timeout) => timeout,
                        Err(e) => {
                            warn!("could not create timer: {}", e);
                                .expect("error notifying wait, possible future leak");
                            continue; // to the next message...

                    // send the message
                    match message.to_vec() {
                        Ok(buffer) => {
                            debug!("sending message id: {}", query_id);
                            // add to the map -after- the client send b/c we don't want to put it in the map if
                            //  we ended up returning from the send.
                                .insert(, (complete, timeout));
                        Err(e) => {
                            debug!("error message id: {} error: {}", query_id, e);
                            // complete with the error, don't add to the map of active requests
                                .expect("error notifying wait, possible future leak");
                Ok(_) => break,
                Err(()) => {
          warn!("receiver was shutdown?");

        // Collect all inbound requests, max 100 at a time for QoS
        //   by having a max we will guarantee that the client can't be DOSed in this loop
        // TODO: make the QoS configurable
        let mut messages_received = 0;
        for i in 0..QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS {
            match try!( {
                Async::Ready(Some(buffer)) => {
                    messages_received = i;

                    //   deserialize or log decode_error
                    match Message::from_vec(&buffer) {
                        Ok(message) => {
                            match self.active_requests.remove(& {
                                Some((complete, _)) => {
                                        .expect("error notifying wait, possible future leak")
                                None => debug!("unexpected request_id: {}",,
                        // TODO: return src address for diagnostics
                        Err(e) => debug!("error decoding message: {}", e),

                Async::Ready(None) |
                Async::NotReady => break,

        // Clean shutdown happens when all pending requests are done and the
        // incoming channel has been closed (e.g. you'll never receive another
        // request). try! will early return the error...
        let done = if let Async::Ready(None) = try!(self.new_receiver.peek()) {
        } else {
        if self.active_requests.is_empty() && done {
            return Ok(().into()); // we are done

        // If still active, then if the qos (for _ in 0..100 loop) limit
        // was hit then "yield". This'll make sure that the future is
        // woken up immediately on the next turn of the event loop.
        if messages_received == QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS {

        // Finally, return not ready to keep the 'driver task' alive.
        return Ok(Async::NotReady);

/// Always returns the specified io::Error to the remote Sender
struct ClientStreamErrored {
    error: io::Error,
        Peekable<StreamFuse<UnboundedReceiver<(Message, Complete<ClientResult<Message>>)>>>,

impl Future for ClientStreamErrored {
    type Item = ();
    type Error = ClientError;

    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
        match self.new_receiver.poll() {
            Ok(Async::Ready(Some((_, complete)))) => {
                    .expect("error notifying wait, possible future leak");

                return Ok(Async::NotReady);
            Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => return Ok(Async::Ready(())),            
            _ => return Err(ClientErrorKind::NoError.into()),

enum ClientStreamOrError<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> {

impl<S: Stream<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = io::Error> + 'static> Future for ClientStreamOrError<S> {
    type Item = ();
    type Error = ClientError;

    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
        match *self {
            ClientStreamOrError::Future(ref mut f) => f.poll(),
            ClientStreamOrError::Errored(ref mut e) => e.poll(),

/// Root ClientHandle implementaton returned by ClientFuture
/// This can be used directly to perform queries. See `trust_dns::client::SecureClientHandle` for
///  a DNSSEc chain validator.
pub struct BasicClientHandle {
    message_sender: UnboundedSender<(Message, Complete<ClientResult<Message>>)>,

impl ClientHandle for BasicClientHandle {
    fn send(&mut self, message: Message) -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>> {
        let (complete, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
        let message_sender: &mut _ = &mut self.message_sender;

        // TODO: update to use Sink::send
        let receiver = match UnboundedSender::send(message_sender, (message, complete)) {
            Ok(()) => receiver,
            Err(e) => {
                let (complete, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
                    .expect("error notifying wait, possible future leak");

        // conver the oneshot into a Box of a Future message and error.
                     .map_err(|c| ClientError::from(c))
                     .map(|result| result.into_future())

/// A trait for implementing high level functions of DNS.
#[must_use = "queries can only be sent through a ClientHandle"]
pub trait ClientHandle: Clone {
    /// Send a message via the channel in the client
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `message` - the fully constructed Message to send, note that most implementations of
    ///               will most likely be required to rewrite the QueryId, do no rely on that as
    ///               being stable.
    fn send(&mut self, message: Message) -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>>;

    /// A *classic* DNS query
    /// *Note* As of now, this will not recurse on PTR or CNAME record responses, that is up to
    ///        the caller.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `name` - the label to lookup
    /// * `query_class` - most likely this should always be DNSClass::IN
    /// * `query_type` - record type to lookup
    fn query(&mut self,
             name: domain::Name,
             query_class: DNSClass,
             query_type: RecordType)
             -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>> {
        debug!("querying: {} {:?}", name, query_type);

        // build the message
        let mut message: Message = Message::new();
        let id: u16 = rand::random();
        // TODO make recursion a parameter

        // Extended dns
            let edns = message.edns_mut();

        // add the query
        let mut query: Query = Query::new();


    /// Sends a NOTIFY message to the remote system
    /// [RFC 1996](, DNS NOTIFY, August 1996
    /// ```text
    /// 1. Rationale and Scope
    ///   1.1. Slow propagation of new and changed data in a DNS zone can be
    ///   due to a zone's relatively long refresh times.  Longer refresh times
    ///   are beneficial in that they reduce load on the master servers, but
    ///   that benefit comes at the cost of long intervals of incoherence among
    ///   authority servers whenever the zone is updated.
    ///   1.2. The DNS NOTIFY transaction allows master servers to inform slave
    ///   servers when the zone has changed -- an interrupt as opposed to poll
    ///   model -- which it is hoped will reduce propagation delay while not
    ///   unduly increasing the masters' load.  This specification only allows
    ///   slaves to be notified of SOA RR changes, but the architechture of
    ///   NOTIFY is intended to be extensible to other RR types.
    ///   1.3. This document intentionally gives more definition to the roles
    ///   of "Master," "Slave" and "Stealth" servers, their enumeration in NS
    ///   RRs, and the SOA MNAME field.  In that sense, this document can be
    ///   considered an addendum to [RFC1035].
    /// ```
    /// The below section describes how the Notify message should be constructed. The function
    ///  implmentation accepts a Record, but the actual data of the record should be ignored by the
    ///  server, i.e. the server should make a request subsequent to receiving this Notification for
    ///  the authority record, but could be used to decide to request an update or not:
    /// ```text
    ///   3.7. A NOTIFY request has QDCOUNT>0, ANCOUNT>=0, AUCOUNT>=0,
    ///   ADCOUNT>=0.  If ANCOUNT>0, then the answer section represents an
    ///   unsecure hint at the new RRset for this <QNAME,QCLASS,QTYPE>.  A
    ///   slave receiving such a hint is free to treat equivilence of this
    ///   answer section with its local data as a "no further work needs to be
    ///   done" indication.  If ANCOUNT=0, or ANCOUNT>0 and the answer section
    ///   differs from the slave's local data, then the slave should query its
    ///   known masters to retrieve the new data.
    /// ```
    /// Client's should be ready to handle, or be aware of, a server response of NOTIMP:
    /// ```text
    ///   3.12. If a NOTIFY request is received by a slave who does not
    ///   implement the NOTIFY opcode, it will respond with a NOTIMP
    ///   (unimplemented feature error) message.  A master server who receives
    ///   such a NOTIMP should consider the NOTIFY transaction complete for
    ///   that slave.
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `name` - the label which is being notified
    /// * `query_class` - most likely this should always be DNSClass::IN
    /// * `query_type` - record type which has been updated
    /// * `rrset` - the new version of the record(s) being notified
    fn notify<R>(&mut self,
                 name: domain::Name,
                 query_class: DNSClass,
                 query_type: RecordType,
                 rrset: Option<R>)
                 -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>>
        where R: IntoRecordSet
        debug!("notifying: {} {:?}", name, query_type);

        // build the message
        let mut message: Message = Message::new();
        let id: u16 = rand::random();
           // 3.3. NOTIFY is similar to QUERY in that it has a request message with
           // the header QR flag "clear" and a response message with QR "set".  The
           // response message contains no useful information, but its reception by
           // the master is an indication that the slave has received the NOTIFY
           // and that the master can remove the slave from any retry queue for
           // this NOTIFY event.

        // Extended dns
            let edns = message.edns_mut();

        // add the query
        let mut query: Query = Query::new();

        // add the notify message, see, section 3.7
        if let Some(rrset) = rrset {


    /// Sends a record to create on the server, this will fail if the record exists (atomicity
    ///  depends on the server)
    /// [RFC 2136](, DNS Update, April 1997
    /// ```text
    ///  2.4.3 - RRset Does Not Exist
    ///   No RRs with a specified NAME and TYPE (in the zone and class denoted
    ///   by the Zone Section) can exist.
    ///   For this prerequisite, a requestor adds to the section a single RR
    ///   whose NAME and TYPE are equal to that of the RRset whose nonexistence
    ///   is required.  The RDLENGTH of this record is zero (0), and RDATA
    ///   field is therefore empty.  CLASS must be specified as NONE in order
    ///   to distinguish this condition from a valid RR whose RDLENGTH is
    ///   naturally zero (0) (for example, the NULL RR).  TTL must be specified
    ///   as zero (0).
    /// 2.5.1 - Add To An RRset
    ///    RRs are added to the Update Section whose NAME, TYPE, TTL, RDLENGTH
    ///    and RDATA are those being added, and CLASS is the same as the zone
    ///    class.  Any duplicate RRs will be silently ignored by the primary
    ///    master.
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `rrset` - the record(s) to create
    /// * `zone_origin` - the zone name to update, i.e. SOA name
    /// The update must go to a zone authority (i.e. the server used in the ClientConnection)
    fn create<R>(&mut self,
                 rrset: R,
                 zone_origin: domain::Name)
                 -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>>
        where R: IntoRecordSet
        // TODO: assert non-empty rrset?
        let rrset = rrset.into_record_set();

        // for updates, the query section is used for the zone
        let mut zone: Query = Query::new();

        // build the message
        let mut message: Message = Message::new();

        let mut prerequisite = Record::with(, rrset.record_type(), 0);

        // Extended dns
            let edns = message.edns_mut();


    /// Appends a record to an existing rrset, optionally require the rrset to exis (atomicity
    ///  depends on the server)
    /// [RFC 2136](, DNS Update, April 1997
    /// ```text
    /// 2.4.1 - RRset Exists (Value Independent)
    ///   At least one RR with a specified NAME and TYPE (in the zone and class
    ///   specified in the Zone Section) must exist.
    ///   For this prerequisite, a requestor adds to the section a single RR
    ///   whose NAME and TYPE are equal to that of the zone RRset whose
    ///   existence is required.  RDLENGTH is zero and RDATA is therefore
    ///   empty.  CLASS must be specified as ANY to differentiate this
    ///   condition from that of an actual RR whose RDLENGTH is naturally zero
    ///   (0) (e.g., NULL).  TTL is specified as zero (0).
    /// 2.5.1 - Add To An RRset
    ///    RRs are added to the Update Section whose NAME, TYPE, TTL, RDLENGTH
    ///    and RDATA are those being added, and CLASS is the same as the zone
    ///    class.  Any duplicate RRs will be silently ignored by the primary
    ///    master.
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `rrset` - the record(s) to append to an RRSet
    /// * `zone_origin` - the zone name to update, i.e. SOA name
    /// * `must_exist` - if true, the request will fail if the record does not exist
    /// The update must go to a zone authority (i.e. the server used in the ClientConnection). If
    /// the rrset does not exist and must_exist is false, then the RRSet will be created.
    fn append<R>(&mut self,
                 rrset: R,
                 zone_origin: domain::Name,
                 must_exist: bool)
                 -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>>
        where R: IntoRecordSet
        let rrset = rrset.into_record_set();

        // for updates, the query section is used for the zone
        let mut zone: Query = Query::new();

        // build the message
        let mut message: Message = Message::new();

        if must_exist {
            let mut prerequisite = Record::with(, rrset.record_type(), 0);


        // Extended dns
            let edns = message.edns_mut();


    /// Compares and if it matches, swaps it for the new value (atomicity depends on the server)
    /// ```text
    ///  2.4.2 - RRset Exists (Value Dependent)
    ///   A set of RRs with a specified NAME and TYPE exists and has the same
    ///   members with the same RDATAs as the RRset specified here in this
    ///   section.  While RRset ordering is undefined and therefore not
    ///   significant to this comparison, the sets be identical in their
    ///   extent.
    ///   For this prerequisite, a requestor adds to the section an entire
    ///   RRset whose preexistence is required.  NAME and TYPE are that of the
    ///   RRset being denoted.  CLASS is that of the zone.  TTL must be
    ///   specified as zero (0) and is ignored when comparing RRsets for
    ///   identity.
    ///  2.5.4 - Delete An RR From An RRset
    ///   RRs to be deleted are added to the Update Section.  The NAME, TYPE,
    ///   RDLENGTH and RDATA must match the RR being deleted.  TTL must be
    ///   specified as zero (0) and will otherwise be ignored by the primary
    ///   master.  CLASS must be specified as NONE to distinguish this from an
    ///   RR addition.  If no such RRs exist, then this Update RR will be
    ///   silently ignored by the primary master.
    ///  2.5.1 - Add To An RRset
    ///   RRs are added to the Update Section whose NAME, TYPE, TTL, RDLENGTH
    ///   and RDATA are those being added, and CLASS is the same as the zone
    ///   class.  Any duplicate RRs will be silently ignored by the primary
    ///   master.
    /// ```
    /// # Arguements
    /// * `current` - the current rrset which must exist for the swap to complete
    /// * `new` - the new rrset with which to replace the current rrset
    /// * `zone_origin` - the zone name to update, i.e. SOA name
    /// The update must go to a zone authority (i.e. the server used in the ClientConnection).
    fn compare_and_swap<C, N>(&mut self,
                              current: C,
                              new: N,
                              zone_origin: domain::Name)
                              -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>>
        where C: IntoRecordSet,
              N: IntoRecordSet
        let current = current.into_record_set();
        let new = new.into_record_set();


        // for updates, the query section is used for the zone
        let mut zone: Query = Query::new();

        // build the message
        let mut message: Message = Message::new();

        // make sure the record is what is expected
        let mut prerequisite = current.clone();

        // add the delete for the old record
        let mut delete = current;
        // the class must be none for delete
        // the TTL should be 0

        // insert the new record...

        // Extended dns
            let edns = message.edns_mut();


    /// Deletes a record (by rdata) from an rrset, optionally require the rrset to exist.
    /// [RFC 2136](, DNS Update, April 1997
    /// ```text
    /// 2.4.1 - RRset Exists (Value Independent)
    ///   At least one RR with a specified NAME and TYPE (in the zone and class
    ///   specified in the Zone Section) must exist.
    ///   For this prerequisite, a requestor adds to the section a single RR
    ///   whose NAME and TYPE are equal to that of the zone RRset whose
    ///   existence is required.  RDLENGTH is zero and RDATA is therefore
    ///   empty.  CLASS must be specified as ANY to differentiate this
    ///   condition from that of an actual RR whose RDLENGTH is naturally zero
    ///   (0) (e.g., NULL).  TTL is specified as zero (0).
    /// 2.5.4 - Delete An RR From An RRset
    ///   RRs to be deleted are added to the Update Section.  The NAME, TYPE,
    ///   RDLENGTH and RDATA must match the RR being deleted.  TTL must be
    ///   specified as zero (0) and will otherwise be ignored by the primary
    ///   master.  CLASS must be specified as NONE to distinguish this from an
    ///   RR addition.  If no such RRs exist, then this Update RR will be
    ///   silently ignored by the primary master.
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `rrset` - the record(s) to delete from a RRSet, the name, type and rdata must match the
    ///              record to delete
    /// * `zone_origin` - the zone name to update, i.e. SOA name
    /// * `signer` - the signer, with private key, to use to sign the request
    /// The update must go to a zone authority (i.e. the server used in the ClientConnection). If
    /// the rrset does not exist and must_exist is false, then the RRSet will be deleted.
    fn delete_by_rdata<R>(&mut self,
                          rrset: R,
                          zone_origin: domain::Name)
                          -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>>
        where R: IntoRecordSet
        let mut rrset = rrset.into_record_set();

        // for updates, the query section is used for the zone
        let mut zone: Query = Query::new();

        // build the message
        let mut message: Message = Message::new();

        // the class must be none for delete
        // the TTL shoudl be 0

        // Extended dns
            let edns = message.edns_mut();


    /// Deletes an entire rrset, optionally require the rrset to exist.
    /// [RFC 2136](, DNS Update, April 1997
    /// ```text
    /// 2.4.1 - RRset Exists (Value Independent)
    ///   At least one RR with a specified NAME and TYPE (in the zone and class
    ///   specified in the Zone Section) must exist.
    ///   For this prerequisite, a requestor adds to the section a single RR
    ///   whose NAME and TYPE are equal to that of the zone RRset whose
    ///   existence is required.  RDLENGTH is zero and RDATA is therefore
    ///   empty.  CLASS must be specified as ANY to differentiate this
    ///   condition from that of an actual RR whose RDLENGTH is naturally zero
    ///   (0) (e.g., NULL).  TTL is specified as zero (0).
    /// 2.5.2 - Delete An RRset
    ///   One RR is added to the Update Section whose NAME and TYPE are those
    ///   of the RRset to be deleted.  TTL must be specified as zero (0) and is
    ///   otherwise not used by the primary master.  CLASS must be specified as
    ///   ANY.  RDLENGTH must be zero (0) and RDATA must therefore be empty.
    ///   If no such RRset exists, then this Update RR will be silently ignored
    ///   by the primary master.
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `record` - The name, class and record_type will be used to match and delete the RecordSet
    /// * `zone_origin` - the zone name to update, i.e. SOA name
    /// The update must go to a zone authority (i.e. the server used in the ClientConnection). If
    /// the rrset does not exist and must_exist is false, then the RRSet will be deleted.
    fn delete_rrset(&mut self,
                    mut record: Record,
                    zone_origin: domain::Name)
                    -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>> {

        // for updates, the query section is used for the zone
        let mut zone: Query = Query::new();

        // build the message
        let mut message: Message = Message::new();

        // the class must be none for an rrset delete
        // the TTL shoudl be 0
        // the rdata must be null to delete all rrsets

        // Extended dns
            let edns = message.edns_mut();


    /// Deletes all records at the specified name
    /// [RFC 2136](, DNS Update, April 1997
    /// ```text
    /// 2.5.3 - Delete All RRsets From A Name
    ///   One RR is added to the Update Section whose NAME is that of the name
    ///   to be cleansed of RRsets.  TYPE must be specified as ANY.  TTL must
    ///   be specified as zero (0) and is otherwise not used by the primary
    ///   master.  CLASS must be specified as ANY.  RDLENGTH must be zero (0)
    ///   and RDATA must therefore be empty.  If no such RRsets exist, then
    ///   this Update RR will be silently ignored by the primary master.
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `name_of_records` - the name of all the record sets to delete
    /// * `zone_origin` - the zone name to update, i.e. SOA name
    /// * `dns_class` - the class of the SOA
    /// The update must go to a zone authority (i.e. the server used in the ClientConnection). This
    /// operation attempts to delete all resource record sets the the specified name reguardless of
    /// the record type.
    fn delete_all(&mut self,
                  name_of_records: domain::Name,
                  zone_origin: domain::Name,
                  dns_class: DNSClass)
                  -> Box<Future<Item = Message, Error = ClientError>> {

        // for updates, the query section is used for the zone
        let mut zone: Query = Query::new();

        // build the message
        let mut message: Message = Message::new();

        // the TTL shoudl be 0
        // the rdata must be null to delete all rrsets
        // the record type must be any
        let mut record = Record::with(name_of_records, RecordType::ANY, 0);

        // the class must be none for an rrset delete


        // Extended dns
            let edns = message.edns_mut();
