trust-dns-server 0.22.0

Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS server with DNSSec support. Eventually this could be a replacement for BIND9. The DNSSec support allows for live signing of all records, in it does not currently support records signed offline. The server supports dynamic DNS with SIG0 authenticated requests. Trust-DNS is based on the Tokio and Futures libraries, which means it should be easily integrated into other software that also use those libraries.
// Copyright 2015-2021 Benjamin Fry <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

//! All authority related types

use std::{
    collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet},

use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use futures_util::future::{self, TryFutureExt};
use tracing::{debug, error, warn};

use tokio::sync::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard};

#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
use crate::{
        dnssec::{DnsSecResult, SigSigner, SupportedAlgorithms},
        rdata::{key::KEY, DNSSECRData},
use crate::{
        AnyRecords, AuthLookup, Authority, LookupError, LookupOptions, LookupRecords, LookupResult,
        MessageRequest, UpdateResult, ZoneType,
            {DNSClass, LowerName, Name, RData, Record, RecordSet, RecordType, RrKey},
#[cfg(all(feature = "dnssec", feature = "testing"))]
use std::ops::Deref;

/// InMemoryAuthority is responsible for storing the resource records for a particular zone.
/// Authorities default to DNSClass IN. The ZoneType specifies if this should be treated as the
/// start of authority for the zone, is a Secondary, or a cached zone.
pub struct InMemoryAuthority {
    origin: LowerName,
    class: DNSClass,
    zone_type: ZoneType,
    allow_axfr: bool,
    inner: RwLock<InnerInMemory>,

impl InMemoryAuthority {
    /// Creates a new Authority.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `origin` - The zone `Name` being created, this should match that of the `RecordType::SOA`
    ///              record.
    /// * `records` - The map of the initial set of records in the zone.
    /// * `zone_type` - The type of zone, i.e. is this authoritative?
    /// * `allow_update` - If true, then this zone accepts dynamic updates.
    /// * `is_dnssec_enabled` - If true, then the zone will sign the zone with all registered keys,
    ///                         (see `add_zone_signing_key()`)
    /// # Return value
    /// The new `Authority`.
    pub fn new(
        origin: Name,
        records: BTreeMap<RrKey, RecordSet>,
        zone_type: ZoneType,
        allow_axfr: bool,
    ) -> Result<Self, String> {
        let mut this = Self::empty(origin.clone(), zone_type, allow_axfr);
        let inner = this.inner.get_mut();

        // SOA must be present
        let serial = records
            .find(|(key, _)| key.record_type == RecordType::SOA)
            .and_then(|(_, rrset)| rrset.records_without_rrsigs().next())
            .ok_or_else(|| format!("SOA record must be present: {}", origin))?;

        let iter = records.into_iter().map(|(_key, record)| record);

        // add soa to the records
        for rrset in iter {
            let name =;
            let rr_type = rrset.record_type();

            for record in rrset.records_without_rrsigs() {
                if !inner.upsert(record.clone(), serial, this.class) {
                    return Err(format!(
                        "Failed to insert {} {} to zone: {}",
                        name, rr_type, origin


    /// Creates an empty Authority
    /// # Warning
    /// This is an invalid zone, SOA must be added
    pub fn empty(origin: Name, zone_type: ZoneType, allow_axfr: bool) -> Self {
        Self {
            origin: LowerName::new(&origin),
            class: DNSClass::IN,
            inner: RwLock::new(InnerInMemory::default()),

    /// The DNSClass of this zone
    pub fn class(&self) -> DNSClass {

    /// Allow AXFR's (zone transfers)
    #[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "testing")))]
    pub fn set_allow_axfr(&mut self, allow_axfr: bool) {
        self.allow_axfr = allow_axfr;

    /// Clears all records (including SOA, etc)
    pub fn clear(&mut self) {

    /// Retrieve the Signer, which contains the private keys, for this zone
    #[cfg(all(feature = "dnssec", feature = "testing"))]
    pub async fn secure_keys(&self) -> impl Deref<Target = [SigSigner]> + '_ {
        RwLockWriteGuard::map(self.inner.write().await, |i| i.secure_keys.as_mut_slice())

    /// Get all the records
    pub async fn records(&self) -> BTreeMap<RrKey, Arc<RecordSet>> {
        let records = RwLockReadGuard::map(, |i| &i.records);

    /// Get a mutable reference to the records
    pub async fn records_mut(
    ) -> impl DerefMut<Target = BTreeMap<RrKey, Arc<RecordSet>>> + '_ {
        RwLockWriteGuard::map(self.inner.write().await, |i| &mut i.records)

    /// Get a mutable reference to the records
    pub fn records_get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut BTreeMap<RrKey, Arc<RecordSet>> {
        &mut self.inner.get_mut().records

    /// Returns the minimum ttl (as used in the SOA record)
    pub async fn minimum_ttl(&self) -> u32 {

    /// get the current serial number for the zone.
    pub async fn serial(&self) -> u32 {

    #[cfg(any(feature = "dnssec", feature = "sqlite"))]
    pub(crate) async fn increment_soa_serial(&self) -> u32 {
            .increment_soa_serial(self.origin(), self.class)

    /// Inserts or updates a `Record` depending on it's existence in the authority.
    /// Guarantees that SOA, CNAME only has one record, will implicitly update if they already exist.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `record` - The `Record` to be inserted or updated.
    /// * `serial` - Current serial number to be recorded against updates.
    /// # Return value
    /// true if the value was inserted, false otherwise
    pub async fn upsert(&self, record: Record, serial: u32) -> bool {
        self.inner.write().await.upsert(record, serial, self.class)

    /// Non-async version of upsert when behind a mutable reference.
    pub fn upsert_mut(&mut self, record: Record, serial: u32) -> bool {
        self.inner.get_mut().upsert(record, serial, self.class)

    /// Add a (Sig0) key that is authorized to perform updates against this authority
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    fn inner_add_update_auth_key(
        inner: &mut InnerInMemory,

        name: Name,
        key: KEY,
        origin: &LowerName,
        dns_class: DNSClass,
    ) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        let rdata = RData::DNSSEC(DNSSECRData::KEY(key));
        // TODO: what TTL?
        let record = Record::from_rdata(name, 86400, rdata);

        let serial = inner.serial(origin);
        if inner.upsert(record, serial, dns_class) {
        } else {
            Err("failed to add auth key".into())

    /// Non-async method of add_update_auth_key when behind a mutable reference
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "dnssec")))]
    pub fn add_update_auth_key_mut(&mut self, name: Name, key: KEY) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        let Self {
            ref origin,
            ref mut inner,
        } = self;

        Self::inner_add_update_auth_key(inner.get_mut(), name, key, origin, *class)

    /// By adding a secure key, this will implicitly enable dnssec for the zone.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `signer` - Signer with associated private key
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    fn inner_add_zone_signing_key(
        inner: &mut InnerInMemory,
        signer: SigSigner,
        origin: &LowerName,
        dns_class: DNSClass,
    ) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        // also add the key to the zone
        let zone_ttl = inner.minimum_ttl(origin);
        let dnskey = signer.key().to_dnskey(signer.algorithm())?;
        let dnskey = Record::from_rdata(

        // TODO: also generate the CDS and CDNSKEY
        let serial = inner.serial(origin);
        inner.upsert(dnskey, serial, dns_class);

    /// Non-async method of add_zone_signing_key when behind a mutable reference
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "dnssec")))]
    pub fn add_zone_signing_key_mut(&mut self, signer: SigSigner) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        let Self {
            ref origin,
            ref mut inner,
        } = self;

        Self::inner_add_zone_signing_key(inner.get_mut(), signer, origin, *class)

    /// (Re)generates the nsec records, increments the serial number and signs the zone
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "dnssec")))]
    pub fn secure_zone_mut(&mut self) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        let Self {
            ref origin,
            ref mut inner,
        } = self;
        inner.get_mut().secure_zone_mut(origin, self.class)

    /// (Re)generates the nsec records, increments the serial number and signs the zone
    #[cfg(not(feature = "dnssec"))]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "dnssec")))]
    pub fn secure_zone_mut(&mut self) -> Result<(), &str> {
        Err("DNSSEC was not enabled during compilation.")

struct InnerInMemory {
    records: BTreeMap<RrKey, Arc<RecordSet>>,
    // Private key mapped to the Record of the DNSKey
    //  TODO: these private_keys should be stored securely. Ideally, we have keys only stored per
    //   server instance, but that requires requesting updates from the parent zone, which may or
    //   may not support dynamic updates to register the new key... Trust-DNS will provide support
    //   for this, in some form, perhaps alternate root zones...
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    secure_keys: Vec<SigSigner>,

impl InnerInMemory {
    /// Retrieve the Signer, which contains the private keys, for this zone
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    fn secure_keys(&self) -> &[SigSigner] {

    // /// Get all the records
    // fn records(&self) -> &BTreeMap<RrKey, Arc<RecordSet>> {
    //     &self.records
    // }

    // /// Get a mutable reference to the records
    // fn records_mut(&mut self) -> &mut BTreeMap<RrKey, Arc<RecordSet>> {
    //     &mut self.records
    // }

    fn inner_soa(&self, origin: &LowerName) -> Option<&SOA> {
        // TODO: can't there be an RrKeyRef?
        let rr_key = RrKey::new(origin.clone(), RecordType::SOA);

            .and_then(|rrset| rrset.records_without_rrsigs().next())

    /// Returns the minimum ttl (as used in the SOA record)
    fn minimum_ttl(&self, origin: &LowerName) -> u32 {
        let soa = self.inner_soa(origin);

        let soa = match soa {
            Some(soa) => soa,
            None => {
                error!("could not lookup SOA for authority: {}", origin);
                return 0;


    /// get the current serial number for the zone.
    fn serial(&self, origin: &LowerName) -> u32 {
        let soa = self.inner_soa(origin);

        let soa = match soa {
            Some(soa) => soa,
            None => {
                error!("could not lookup SOA for authority: {}", origin);
                return 0;


    fn inner_lookup(
        name: &LowerName,
        record_type: RecordType,
        lookup_options: LookupOptions,
    ) -> Option<Arc<RecordSet>> {
        // this range covers all the records for any of the RecordTypes at a given label.
        let start_range_key = RrKey::new(name.clone(), RecordType::Unknown(u16::min_value()));
        let end_range_key = RrKey::new(name.clone(), RecordType::Unknown(u16::max_value()));

        fn aname_covers_type(key_type: RecordType, query_type: RecordType) -> bool {
            (query_type == RecordType::A || query_type == RecordType::AAAA)
                && key_type == RecordType::ANAME

        let lookup = self
            // remember CNAME can be the only record at a particular label
            .find(|(key, _)| {
                key.record_type == record_type
                    || key.record_type == RecordType::CNAME
                    || aname_covers_type(key.record_type, record_type)
            .map(|(_key, rr_set)| rr_set);

        // TODO: maybe unwrap this recursion.
        match lookup {
            None => self.inner_lookup_wildcard(name, record_type, lookup_options),
            l => l.cloned(),

    fn inner_lookup_wildcard(
        name: &LowerName,
        record_type: RecordType,
        lookup_options: LookupOptions,
    ) -> Option<Arc<RecordSet>> {
        // if this is a wildcard or a root, both should break continued lookups
        let wildcard = if name.is_wildcard() || name.is_root() {
            return None;
        } else {

        self.inner_lookup(&wildcard, record_type, lookup_options)
            // we need to change the name to the query name in the result set since this was a wildcard
            .map(|rrset| {
                let mut new_answer =
                    RecordSet::new(name.borrow(), rrset.record_type(), rrset.ttl());

                let records;
                let _rrsigs: Vec<&Record>;
                cfg_if! {
                    if #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")] {
                        let (records_tmp, rrsigs_tmp) = rrset
                            .records(lookup_options.is_dnssec(), lookup_options.supported_algorithms())
                            .partition(|r| r.record_type() != RecordType::RRSIG);
                        records = records_tmp;
                        _rrsigs = rrsigs_tmp;
                    } else {
                        let (records_tmp, rrsigs_tmp) = (rrset.records_without_rrsigs(), Vec::with_capacity(0));
                        records = records_tmp;
                        _rrsigs = rrsigs_tmp;

                for record in records {
                    if let Some(rdata) = {

                #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
                for rrsig in _rrsigs {


    /// Search for additional records to include in the response
    /// # Arguments
    /// * original_name - the original name that was being looked up
    /// * query_type - original type in the request query
    /// * next_name - the name from the CNAME, ANAME, MX, etc. record that is being searched
    /// * search_type - the root search type, ANAME, CNAME, MX, i.e. the beginning of the chain
    fn additional_search(
        original_name: &LowerName,
        original_query_type: RecordType,
        next_name: LowerName,
        _search_type: RecordType,
        lookup_options: LookupOptions,
    ) -> Option<Vec<Arc<RecordSet>>> {
        let mut additionals: Vec<Arc<RecordSet>> = vec![];

        // if it's a CNAME or other forwarding record, we'll be adding additional records based on the query_type
        let mut query_types_arr = [original_query_type; 2];
        let query_types: &[RecordType] = match original_query_type {
            RecordType::ANAME | RecordType::NS | RecordType::MX | RecordType::SRV => {
                query_types_arr = [RecordType::A, RecordType::AAAA];
            _ => &query_types_arr[..1],

        for query_type in query_types {
            // loop and collect any additional records to send

            // Track the names we've looked up for this query type.
            let mut names = HashSet::new();

            // If we're just going to repeat the same query then bail out.
            if query_type == &original_query_type {

            let mut next_name = Some(next_name.clone());
            while let Some(search) = next_name.take() {
                // If we've already looked up this name then bail out.
                if names.contains(&search) {

                let additional = self.inner_lookup(&search, *query_type, lookup_options);

                if let Some(additional) = additional {
                    // assuming no crazy long chains...
                    if !additionals.contains(&additional) {

                    next_name =
                        maybe_next_name(&additional, *query_type).map(|(name, _search_type)| name);

        if !additionals.is_empty() {
        } else {

    #[cfg(any(feature = "dnssec", feature = "sqlite"))]
    fn increment_soa_serial(&mut self, origin: &LowerName, dns_class: DNSClass) -> u32 {
        // we'll remove the SOA and then replace it
        let rr_key = RrKey::new(origin.clone(), RecordType::SOA);
        let record = self
            // TODO: there should be an unwrap on rrset, but it's behind Arc
            .and_then(|rrset| rrset.records_without_rrsigs().next().cloned());

        let mut record = if let Some(record) = record {
        } else {
            error!("could not lookup SOA for authority: {}", origin);
            return 0;

        let serial = if let Some(RData::SOA(ref mut soa_rdata)) = record.data_mut() {
        } else {
            panic!("This was not an SOA record"); // valid panic, never should happen

        self.upsert(record, serial, dns_class);

    /// Inserts or updates a `Record` depending on it's existence in the authority.
    /// Guarantees that SOA, CNAME only has one record, will implicitly update if they already exist.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `record` - The `Record` to be inserted or updated.
    /// * `serial` - Current serial number to be recorded against updates.
    /// # Return value
    /// true if the value was inserted, false otherwise
    fn upsert(&mut self, record: Record, serial: u32, dns_class: DNSClass) -> bool {
        if dns_class != record.dns_class() {
                "mismatched dns_class on record insert, zone: {} record: {}",
            return false;

        #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
        fn is_nsec(upsert_type: RecordType, occupied_type: RecordType) -> bool {
            // NSEC is always allowed
            upsert_type == RecordType::NSEC
                || upsert_type == RecordType::NSEC3
                || occupied_type == RecordType::NSEC
                || occupied_type == RecordType::NSEC3

        #[cfg(not(feature = "dnssec"))]
        fn is_nsec(_upsert_type: RecordType, _occupied_type: RecordType) -> bool {
            // TODO: we should make the DNSSec RecordTypes always visible

        /// returns true if an only if the label can not cooccupy space with the checked type
        fn label_does_not_allow_multiple(
            upsert_type: RecordType,
            occupied_type: RecordType,
            check_type: RecordType,
        ) -> bool {
            // it's a CNAME/ANAME but there's a record that's not a CNAME/ANAME at this location
            (upsert_type == check_type && occupied_type != check_type) ||
                // it's a different record, but there is already a CNAME/ANAME here
                (upsert_type != check_type && occupied_type == check_type)

        // check that CNAME and ANAME is either not already present, or no other records are if it's a CNAME
        let start_range_key =
            RrKey::new(, RecordType::Unknown(u16::min_value()));
        let end_range_key = RrKey::new(, RecordType::Unknown(u16::max_value()));

        let multiple_records_at_label_disallowed = self
            // remember CNAME can be the only record at a particular label
            .any(|(key, _)| {
                !is_nsec(record.record_type(), key.record_type)
                    && label_does_not_allow_multiple(

        if multiple_records_at_label_disallowed {
            // consider making this an error?
            return false;

        let rr_key = RrKey::new(, record.rr_type());
        let records: &mut Arc<RecordSet> = self
            .or_insert_with(|| Arc::new(RecordSet::new(, record.rr_type(), serial)));

        // because this is and Arc, we need to clone and then replace the entry
        let mut records_clone = RecordSet::clone(&*records);
        if records_clone.insert(record, serial) {
            *records = Arc::new(records_clone);
        } else {

    /// (Re)generates the nsec records, increments the serial number and signs the zone
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "dnssec")))]
    fn secure_zone_mut(&mut self, origin: &LowerName, dns_class: DNSClass) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        // TODO: only call nsec_zone after adds/deletes
        // needs to be called before incrementing the soa serial, to make sure IXFR works properly
        self.nsec_zone(origin, dns_class);

        // need to resign any records at the current serial number and bump the number.
        // first bump the serial number on the SOA, so that it is resigned with the new serial.
        self.increment_soa_serial(origin, dns_class);

        // TODO: should we auto sign here? or maybe up a level...
        self.sign_zone(origin, dns_class)

    /// Dummy implementation for when DNSSEC is disabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    fn nsec_zone(&mut self, origin: &LowerName, dns_class: DNSClass) {
        use crate::client::rr::rdata::NSEC;

        // only create nsec records for secure zones
        if self.secure_keys.is_empty() {
        debug!("generating nsec records: {}", origin);

        // first remove all existing nsec records
        let delete_keys: Vec<RrKey> = self
            .filter(|k| k.record_type == RecordType::NSEC)

        for key in delete_keys {

        // now go through and generate the nsec records
        let ttl = self.minimum_ttl(origin);
        let serial = self.serial(origin);
        let mut records: Vec<Record> = vec![];

            let mut nsec_info: Option<(&Name, Vec<RecordType>)> = None;
            for key in self.records.keys() {
                match nsec_info {
                    None => nsec_info = Some((, vec![key.record_type])),
                    Some((name, ref mut vec)) if LowerName::new(name) == => {
                    Some((name, vec)) => {
                        // names aren't equal, create the NSEC record
                        let mut record = Record::with(name.clone(), RecordType::NSEC, ttl);
                        let rdata = NSEC::new_cover_self(, vec);

                        // new record...
                        nsec_info = Some((, vec![key.record_type]))

            // the last record
            if let Some((name, vec)) = nsec_info {
                // names aren't equal, create the NSEC record
                let mut record = Record::with(name.clone(), RecordType::NSEC, ttl);
                let rdata = NSEC::new_cover_self(origin.clone().into(), vec);

        // insert all the nsec records
        for record in records {
            let upserted = self.upsert(record, serial, dns_class);

    /// Signs an RecordSet, and stores the RRSIGs in the RecordSet
    /// This will sign the RecordSet with all the registered keys in the zone
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `rr_set` - RecordSet to sign
    /// * `secure_keys` - Set of keys to use to sign the RecordSet, see `self.signers()`
    /// * `zone_ttl` - the zone TTL, see `self.minimum_ttl()`
    /// * `zone_class` - DNSClass of the zone, see `self.zone_class()`
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    fn sign_rrset(
        rr_set: &mut RecordSet,
        secure_keys: &[SigSigner],
        zone_ttl: u32,
        zone_class: DNSClass,
    ) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        use crate::client::rr::dnssec::tbs;
        use crate::client::rr::rdata::SIG;
        use time::OffsetDateTime;

        let inception = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();


        let rrsig_temp = Record::with(, RecordType::RRSIG, zone_ttl);

        for signer in secure_keys {
                "signing rr_set: {}, {} with: {}",

            let expiration = inception + signer.sig_duration();

            let tbs = tbs::rrset_tbs(
                expiration.unix_timestamp() as u32,
                inception.unix_timestamp() as u32,
                // TODO: this is a nasty clone... the issue is that the vec
                //  from records is of Vec<&R>, but we really want &[R]

            // TODO, maybe chain these with some ETL operations instead?
            let tbs = match tbs {
                Ok(tbs) => tbs,
                Err(err) => {
                    error!("could not serialize rrset to sign: {}", err);

            let signature = signer.sign(&tbs);
            let signature = match signature {
                Ok(signature) => signature,
                Err(err) => {
                    error!("could not sign rrset: {}", err);

            let mut rrsig = rrsig_temp.clone();
                // type_covered: RecordType,
                // algorithm: Algorithm,
                // num_labels: u8,
                // original_ttl: u32,
                // sig_expiration: u32,
                expiration.unix_timestamp() as u32,
                // sig_inception: u32,
                inception.unix_timestamp() as u32,
                // key_tag: u16,
                // signer_name: Name,
                // sig: Vec<u8>



    /// Signs any records in the zone that have serial numbers greater than or equal to `serial`
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    fn sign_zone(&mut self, origin: &LowerName, dns_class: DNSClass) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        debug!("signing zone: {}", origin);

        let minimum_ttl = self.minimum_ttl(origin);
        let secure_keys = &self.secure_keys;
        let records = &mut self.records;

        // TODO: should this be an error?
        if secure_keys.is_empty() {
                "attempt to sign_zone {} for dnssec, but no keys available!",

        // sign all record_sets, as of 0.12.1 this includes DNSKEY
        for rr_set_orig in records.values_mut() {
            // because the rrset is an Arc, it must be cloned before mutated
            let rr_set = Arc::make_mut(rr_set_orig);
            Self::sign_rrset(rr_set, secure_keys, minimum_ttl, dns_class)?;


/// Gets the next search name, and returns the RecordType that it originated from
fn maybe_next_name(
    record_set: &RecordSet,
    query_type: RecordType,
) -> Option<(LowerName, RecordType)> {
    match (record_set.record_type(), query_type) {
        // ANAME is similar to CNAME,
        //  unlike CNAME, it is only something that continue to additional processing if the
        //  the query was for address (A, AAAA, or ANAME itself) record types.
        (t @ RecordType::ANAME, RecordType::A)
        | (t @ RecordType::ANAME, RecordType::AAAA)
        | (t @ RecordType::ANAME, RecordType::ANAME) => record_set
            .map(|name| (name, t)),
        (t @ RecordType::NS, RecordType::NS) => record_set
            .map(|name| (name, t)),
        // CNAME will continue to additional processing for any query type
        (t @ RecordType::CNAME, _) => record_set
            .map(|name| (name, t)),
        (t @ RecordType::MX, RecordType::MX) => record_set
            .map(|name| (name, t)),
        (t @ RecordType::SRV, RecordType::SRV) => record_set
            .map(|name| (name, t)),
        // other additional collectors can be added here can be added here
        _ => None,

impl Authority for InMemoryAuthority {
    type Lookup = AuthLookup;

    /// What type is this zone
    fn zone_type(&self) -> ZoneType {

    /// Return true if AXFR is allowed
    fn is_axfr_allowed(&self) -> bool {

    /// Takes the UpdateMessage, extracts the Records, and applies the changes to the record set.
    /// [RFC 2136](, DNS Update, April 1997
    /// ```text
    /// 3.4 - Process Update Section
    ///   Next, the Update Section is processed as follows.
    /// 3.4.2 - Update
    ///   The Update Section is parsed into RRs and these RRs are processed in
    ///   order.
    /// If any system failure (such as an out of memory condition,
    ///   or a hardware error in persistent storage) occurs during the
    ///   processing of this section, signal SERVFAIL to the requestor and undo
    ///   all updates applied to the zone during this transaction.
    /// Any Update RR whose CLASS is the same as ZCLASS is added to
    ///   the zone.  In case of duplicate RDATAs (which for SOA RRs is always
    ///   the case, and for WKS RRs is the case if the ADDRESS and PROTOCOL
    ///   fields both match), the Zone RR is replaced by Update RR.  If the
    ///   TYPE is SOA and there is no Zone SOA RR, or the new SOA.SERIAL is
    ///   lower (according to [RFC1982]) than or equal to the current Zone SOA
    ///   RR's SOA.SERIAL, the Update RR is ignored.  In the case of a CNAME
    ///   Update RR and a non-CNAME Zone RRset or vice versa, ignore the CNAME
    ///   Update RR, otherwise replace the CNAME Zone RR with the CNAME Update
    ///   RR.
    /// For any Update RR whose CLASS is ANY and whose TYPE is ANY,
    ///   all Zone RRs with the same NAME are deleted, unless the NAME is the
    ///   same as ZNAME in which case only those RRs whose TYPE is other than
    ///   SOA or NS are deleted.  For any Update RR whose CLASS is ANY and
    ///   whose TYPE is not ANY all Zone RRs with the same NAME and TYPE are
    ///   deleted, unless the NAME is the same as ZNAME in which case neither
    ///   SOA or NS RRs will be deleted.
    /// For any Update RR whose class is NONE, any Zone RR whose
    ///   NAME, TYPE, RDATA and RDLENGTH are equal to the Update RR is deleted,
    ///   unless the NAME is the same as ZNAME and either the TYPE is SOA or
    ///   the TYPE is NS and the matching Zone RR is the only NS remaining in
    ///   the RRset, in which case this Update RR is ignored.
    /// Signal NOERROR to the requestor.
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `update` - The `UpdateMessage` records will be extracted and used to perform the update
    ///              actions as specified in the above RFC.
    /// # Return value
    /// true if any of additions, updates or deletes were made to the zone, false otherwise. Err is
    ///  returned in the case of bad data, etc.
    async fn update(&self, _update: &MessageRequest) -> UpdateResult<bool> {

    /// Get the origin of this zone, i.e. is the origin for
    fn origin(&self) -> &LowerName {

    /// Looks up all Resource Records matching the giving `Name` and `RecordType`.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `name` - The `Name`, label, to lookup.
    /// * `rtype` - The `RecordType`, to lookup. `RecordType::ANY` will return all records matching
    ///             `name`. `RecordType::AXFR` will return all record types except `RecordType::SOA`
    ///             due to the requirements that on zone transfers the `RecordType::SOA` must both
    ///             precede and follow all other records.
    /// * `is_secure` - If the DO bit is set on the EDNS OPT record, then return RRSIGs as well.
    /// # Return value
    /// None if there are no matching records, otherwise a `Vec` containing the found records.
    async fn lookup(
        name: &LowerName,
        query_type: RecordType,
        lookup_options: LookupOptions,
    ) -> Result<Self::Lookup, LookupError> {
        let inner =;

        // Collect the records from each rr_set
        let (result, additionals): (LookupResult<LookupRecords>, Option<LookupRecords>) =
            match query_type {
                RecordType::AXFR | RecordType::ANY => {
                    let result = AnyRecords::new(
                    (Ok(LookupRecords::AnyRecords(result)), None)
                _ => {
                    // perform the lookup
                    let answer = inner.inner_lookup(name, query_type, lookup_options);

                    // evaluate any cnames for additional inclusion
                    let additionals_root_chain_type: Option<(_, _)> = answer
                        .and_then(|a| maybe_next_name(a, query_type))
                        .and_then(|(search_name, search_type)| {
                                .map(|adds| (adds, search_type))

                    // if the chain started with an ANAME, take the A or AAAA record from the list
                    let (additionals, answer) =
                        match (additionals_root_chain_type, answer, query_type) {
                                Some((additionals, RecordType::ANAME)),
                            | (
                                Some((additionals, RecordType::ANAME)),
                            ) => {
                                // This should always be true...
                                debug_assert_eq!(answer.record_type(), RecordType::ANAME);

                                // in the case of ANAME the final record should be the A or AAAA record
                                let (rdatas, a_aaaa_ttl) = {
                                    let last_record = additionals.last();
                                    let a_aaaa_ttl =
                                        last_record.map_or(u32::max_value(), |r| r.ttl());

                                    // grap the rdatas
                                    let rdatas: Option<Vec<RData>> = last_record
                                        .and_then(|record| match record.record_type() {
                                            RecordType::A | RecordType::AAAA => {
                                                // the RRSIGS will be useless since we're changing the record type
                                            _ => None,
                                        .map(|records| {

                                    (rdatas, a_aaaa_ttl)

                                // now build up a new RecordSet
                                //   the name comes from the ANAME record
                                //   according to the rfc the ttl is from the ANAME
                                //   TODO: technically we should take the min of the potential CNAME chain
                                let ttl = answer.ttl().min(a_aaaa_ttl);
                                let mut new_answer = RecordSet::new(, query_type, ttl);

                                for rdata in rdatas.into_iter().flatten() {

                                // if DNSSEC is enabled, and the request had the DO set, sign the recordset
                                #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
                                    use tracing::warn;

                                    // ANAME's are constructed on demand, so need to be signed before return
                                    if lookup_options.is_dnssec() {
                                            &mut new_answer,
                                        // rather than failing the request, we'll just warn
                                        .map_err(|e| warn!("failed to sign ANAME record: {}", e))

                                // prepend answer to additionals here (answer is the ANAME record)
                                let additionals = std::iter::once(answer)

                                // return the new answer
                                //   because the searched set was an Arc, we need to arc too
                                (Some(additionals), Some(Arc::new(new_answer)))
                            (Some((additionals, _)), answer, _) => (Some(additionals), answer),
                            (None, answer, _) => (None, answer),

                    // map the answer to a result
                    let answer = answer
                        .map_or(Err(LookupError::from(ResponseCode::NXDomain)), |rr_set| {
                            Ok(LookupRecords::new(lookup_options, rr_set))

                    let additionals =|a| LookupRecords::many(lookup_options, a));

                    (answer, additionals)

        // This is annoying. The 1035 spec literally specifies that most DNS authorities would want to store
        //   records in a list except when there are a lot of records. But this makes indexed lookups by name+type
        //   always return empty sets. This is only important in the negative case, where other DNS authorities
        //   generally return NoError and no results when other types exist at the same name. bah.
        // TODO: can we get rid of this?
        let result = match result {
            Err(LookupError::ResponseCode(ResponseCode::NXDomain)) => {
                if inner
                    .any(|key| == name || name.zone_of(
                    return Err(LookupError::NameExists);
                } else {
                    let code = if self.origin().zone_of(name) {
                    } else {
                    return Err(LookupError::from(code));
            Err(e) => return Err(e),
            o => o,
        };|answers| AuthLookup::answers(answers, additionals))

    async fn search(
        request_info: RequestInfo<'_>,
        lookup_options: LookupOptions,
    ) -> Result<Self::Lookup, LookupError> {
        debug!("searching InMemoryAuthority for: {}", request_info.query);

        let lookup_name =;
        let record_type: RecordType = request_info.query.query_type();

        // if this is an AXFR zone transfer, verify that this is either the Secondary or Primary
        //  for AXFR the first and last record must be the SOA
        if RecordType::AXFR == record_type {
            // TODO: support more advanced AXFR options
            if !self.is_axfr_allowed() {
                return Err(LookupError::from(ResponseCode::Refused));

            match self.zone_type() {
                ZoneType::Primary | ZoneType::Secondary | ZoneType::Master | ZoneType::Slave => (),
                // TODO: Forward?
                _ => return Err(LookupError::from(ResponseCode::NXDomain)),

        // perform the actual lookup
        match record_type {
            RecordType::SOA => {
                self.lookup(self.origin(), record_type, lookup_options)
            RecordType::AXFR => {
                // TODO: shouldn't these SOA's be secure? at least the first, perhaps not the last?
                let lookup = future::try_join3(
                    // TODO: maybe switch this to be an soa_inner type call?
                    self.lookup(lookup_name, record_type, lookup_options),
                .map_ok(|(start_soa, end_soa, records)| match start_soa {
                    l @ AuthLookup::Empty => l,
                    start_soa => AuthLookup::AXFR {
                        start_soa: start_soa.unwrap_records(),
                        records: records.unwrap_records(),
                        end_soa: end_soa.unwrap_records(),

            // A standard Lookup path
            _ => self.lookup(lookup_name, record_type, lookup_options).await,

    /// Return the NSEC records based on the given name
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `name` - given this name (i.e. the lookup name), return the NSEC record that is less than
    ///            this
    /// * `is_secure` - if true then it will return RRSIG records as well
    #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
    async fn get_nsec_records(
        name: &LowerName,
        lookup_options: LookupOptions,
    ) -> Result<Self::Lookup, LookupError> {
        let inner =;
        fn is_nsec_rrset(rr_set: &RecordSet) -> bool {
            rr_set.record_type() == RecordType::NSEC

        // TODO: need a BorrowdRrKey
        let rr_key = RrKey::new(name.clone(), RecordType::NSEC);
        let no_data = inner
            .map(|rr_set| LookupRecords::new(lookup_options, rr_set.clone()));

        if let Some(no_data) = no_data {
            return Ok(no_data.into());

        let get_closest_nsec = |name: &LowerName| -> Option<Arc<RecordSet>> {
                .filter(|rr_set| is_nsec_rrset(rr_set))
                // the name must be greater than the name in the nsec
                .filter(|rr_set| *name >=
                // now find the next record where the covered name is greater
                .find(|rr_set| {
                    // there should only be one record
                        .records(false, SupportedAlgorithms::default())
                        .map_or(false, |r| {
                            // the search name is less than the next NSEC record
                            *name < r.next_domain_name().into() ||
                            // this is the last record, and wraps to the beginning of the zone
                            r.next_domain_name() <

        let closest_proof = get_closest_nsec(name);

        // we need the wildcard proof, but make sure that it's still part of the zone.
        let wildcard = name.base_name();
        let origin = self.origin();
        let wildcard = if origin.zone_of(&wildcard) {
        } else {

        // don't duplicate the record...
        let wildcard_proof = if wildcard != *name {
        } else {

        let proofs = match (closest_proof, wildcard_proof) {
            (Some(closest_proof), Some(wildcard_proof)) => {
                // dedup with the wildcard proof
                if wildcard_proof != closest_proof {
                    vec![wildcard_proof, closest_proof]
                } else {
            (None, Some(proof)) | (Some(proof), None) => vec![proof],
            (None, None) => vec![],

        Ok(LookupRecords::many(lookup_options, proofs).into())

    #[cfg(not(feature = "dnssec"))]
    async fn get_nsec_records(
        _name: &LowerName,
        _lookup_options: LookupOptions,
    ) -> Result<Self::Lookup, LookupError> {

#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "dnssec")))]
impl DnssecAuthority for InMemoryAuthority {
    /// Add a (Sig0) key that is authorized to perform updates against this authority
    async fn add_update_auth_key(&self, name: Name, key: KEY) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        let mut inner = self.inner.write().await;

        Self::inner_add_update_auth_key(&mut inner, name, key, self.origin(), self.class)

    /// By adding a secure key, this will implicitly enable dnssec for the zone.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `signer` - Signer with associated private key
    async fn add_zone_signing_key(&self, signer: SigSigner) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        let mut inner = self.inner.write().await;

        Self::inner_add_zone_signing_key(&mut inner, signer, self.origin(), self.class)

    /// Sign the zone for DNSSEC
    async fn secure_zone(&self) -> DnsSecResult<()> {
        let mut inner = self.inner.write().await;

        inner.secure_zone_mut(self.origin(), self.class)